A possible Claymore seas. 2

Rumor has it that Claymore season 2 will b out soon. Rumors.
Pixor ur lyin!!!!

I don't really see a Claymore second season to be possible, as the first pretty much wrapped everything up to a closure and the story is already too far off from the manga to establish a definite storyline.
Rumors say a lot of things.

Besides, there hasn't been enough plot from where the anime broke off from the manga to allow another anime.

An OVA or two, maybe., but not a full season.

Unless it's a Raki background arc. I'd love to see how he became awesome.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Arizth wrote...

Unless it's a Raki background arc. I'd love to see how he became awesome.
Not possible. He can't be awesome in the anime.
New anime, New Raki?

One can only hope.
Yeah~ that's why I can't believe it....

Well, only God knows if Raki can become a flash-sword-slinging hero of a new Claymore XD
A flash sword would turn human muscles to pulp.

I see him more as a Power-Strike type.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Arizth wrote...
A flash sword would turn human muscles to pulp.

I see him more as a Power-Strike type.
with the help of weakneed awakened loli
Really?...even the Manga havent finished yet...Any Pics of it??
I don't think it's going to be a Claymore season...For one,they haven't even talked about it on official sites so...And besides,the way the anime ended...I am not so sure it will be that good.
Miya wrote...
Really?...even the Manga havent finished yet...Any Pics of it??

you can read it at Onemanga.com
Na i dont`t hope there will be a second Season. The Manga is far superior to the Anime. Further, like it was pointed out earlier, exspecially the Anime Storyline differs a lot from the ongoing Manga. And i can`t see them rewriting the whole Story, so she fits a second Season.
But seriously though, even if it's just rumor spreading across my pals, I want it to have a second season... well, 'cause there were so many loopholes in the story as I see it... and I want to satisfy myself with more Clair action haha~.
IMO, a second season of claymore is possilbe and getting back to the manga storyline wont be hard at all. the anime ended in a way that make it really ez to get back to the manga storyline:

since when the anime end, they all still at the north which is a key point. clare and raki went exploring, a few small story twist and raki got seperated from clare. Clare look for Raki endlessly in the north. she run into the rest fo the gang, asn teh 7 of them decided to stay in teh north for a while while supressing their yoki to evade detection from the organazation.

Raki ended up with Easley and Prissy. Since Prissy regain part of her memory from her encounter with Clare, i guess prissy is a bit home sick so Easily decide to take prissy down south to visit her home and at the same time, have his fun with the other AB. Prissy is also a bit shaken and confuse as well from her encounter with Clare so u can say they kept Raki around to ease up prissy. chances r, Easly help raki look for clare and them but sinc ethey r in hiding mode its a bit hard for easly to locate them so times past and Raki decide to take the trip down south with them in hope that he may encouter clare down south....

bammm were back on track, Easly went south and do his thing. Clare spent 7 years looking for Raki in teh North and then finaly decide to go south with teh rest of the gang. a simple 1st or 1st 2 episode can easily do this and the rest can be just like the manga again.

u have to also remember that there was a 7 years gap in teh manga, that 7 years also leave tons of oppotunities for a second season of claymore to fill in to pick up a second season from where the 7 years start in the manga.

as for a second season for claymore anythign time soon, dont thing so but maybe we might see one in about 2 or so years.

as for those that say the anime suck, wel i'm glad that they r not the one doing the anime adaptation cuase it will really suck if they did. u guys have to keep in mind that not every1 who watch anime read manga. if teh anime were to follow teh manga 100% and ended teh way the way teh manga end teh war int eh north arc. u know what the anime communities gonna say? with the manga not having enough marterial for a second season for another 2 or so year, ended teh serie with all the main characters dead, develop and introducign all thei plan for fight between ABs and vengce plan of the main charracter and everythign just to have them all kill at the end of teh season.

then there also the posibility of claymore manga takign a turn for the worst adn it popularity goes down.....if that happen, a season 2 will not be possible and with the way they end season 1 if it stay true to teh anime, then will be be a really crappy anime.

IMO ithink it good that they ended the anime the way it did. if a season 2 is never gonna heppen, atleast their is soem closure to some of the characters in teh series. if a season 2 is a reality, they getting back to teh main story line of the manga can be easily achieve as well by how the anime ended as well.