Mirai Nikki Anime

This might be fake, but a Mirai Nikki anime would be awesome.

I've been looking at it for awhile now, and I'm thinking, the animation looks really sketchy to be done by a professional. If it was real, then it'll probably suck seeing as the animators can't even do a proper cute girl head tilt without looking fake. I honestly hope this isn't real because I would not want Mirai Nikki to come out so Horrible looking when it has such awesome storytelling, or better yet, if it was real, I would hope for the animation to be significantly improved.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I'd still watch it
tsujoi wrote...
I'd still watch it

But of course, we'd just complain though, swallowing our pride each episode, kind like tsukihim..oops..nvm.