Nabari no Ou

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Show about modern day ninjas. I'll probably watch this for the fight scenes, maybe the story will get interesting too. So far it's just about a student who has something hidden inside of him that could make someone rule over the ninja world. The "thing" seems to have a personality of it's own, trying to influence the guy to kill and stuff.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Fuma ninjas are pretty weak....
I like ninjas I'll be watching this series ^_^
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
How is she not topless?

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I like how this guy thinks...

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I'm sorta losing interest in this series though...
tsujoi wrote...
How is she not topless?

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Floating Strapless Ninja Robe Bra Jutsu.

tsujoi wrote...
I'm sorta losing interest in this series though...

I think it's actually pretty good, if you consider the recent lack of good Ninjanime, and hope that Rokujo will get over his "But I dun wanna ninjafight!" thing and put that ultimate technique to good use.

Hell, I haven't had any ninja to watch since Basilisk, so I'm hoping.
Yeah, I love this anime too. The manga is also pretty good, though the scanlations are all over the place. They just have too many people doing random chapters. Anyway, it's early days yet, hopefully it'll get much better later on. And besides, it looks like it may go on for a second season, since the episodes seem to over just a chapter or two each time.
I'm still watching it, it's not bad.
i love the OP but hate the ED :roll:
gizmo wrote...
i love the OP but hate the ED :roll:

Odd, I love the ED and ony sort of like the OP...meh, to each their own, yeah?