OMG, Haruhi as Beijing Olympic mascot


see here:
Oh, Chinese, always stealing something that's copyrighted.
Not that I can do any better, but the art is terrible.

China will never admit that's Haruhi.
If China ever admitted that it stole something they would have nothing original but fireworks.
Kaimax Best Master-San
aznstoner wrote...
If China ever admitted that it stole something they would have nothing original but fireworks.

They also have an original invention, that is important for us all, PAPER.

But why do they copy Haruhi, why don't they just ask KyoAni, Tanigawa Nagaru, Noizi Ito, or something legal.
BTW the guy behind Chinese haruhi is intended to be KYON, right?
kaimax wrote...
aznstoner wrote...
If China ever admitted that it stole something they would have nothing original but fireworks.

They also have an original invention, that is important for us all, PAPER.

But why do they copy Haruhi, why don't they just ask KyoAni, Tanigawa Nagaru, Noizi Ito, or something legal.
BTW the guy behind Chinese haruhi is intended to be KYON, right?

Paper, should of thought of that, but of course they won't ask, they're China, they take shit from no one, and at the same time everything. I once went to this business convention in China, and some company was trying to sell Crest toothpaste, I'm sorry, Crust toothpaste. Yes, they had the gall to copy a product exactly then whiteout the "e" and write a "u" to make "CRUST" toothpaste. Not only is that blatantly illegal, but Crust toothpaste just sounds nasty.
its a blatant rip-off.
with so many bad rumors around this olympic such as child labor, its not a surprise if many country will boycott and make even the fake time traveller john titor prediction of no olympic became true.... what a scary thought :roll:
Meh, fail. Normally I'd think it was awesome to have an anime character as Olympic mascot, but a shitty rip off like this just sucks. Damn China...
This calls for a picture/word explination!

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MUST DESTROY CHINA! Bobby you know what to do.

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Air strike approved. Inbound E.T.A....NOW!
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Tsujoi Social Media Manager
It's supposedly an information pamphlet for the Beijing Olympics created for Chinese secondary school children
At first I was like this ought to be cool, but no, after seeing how much of a ripoff it is I declare it epic fail lol
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
There's a site holding a poll of "its haruhi" vs "its a coincidence". I wonder if that will change the minds of those who voted "its a coincidence"
What a wonderful example of overblown Haruhi fandom. I mean seriously, just because there's a resemblance, I'm not a big Haruhi fan which may disgust many people, but I can see it, doesn't mean that its a rip off. Think about all the times you've come across some animated character that you can see some resemblance to another, it doesn't even have to be anime. If people were to jump to such conclusions, many of the amazing anime characters that we all love would not be around today. If I sound a little incoherent, its just that I've been drinking many shots of tequila, but still I hold my position on this matter. I couldn't say it better if I was sober, although I probably could articulate it better the message would still be the same.

Some Haruhi fans may be offended by the idea that it could possibly be a "rip-off." However, imitation is the finest form of flattery. It may get a little awkward in some cases, but if they did intend on riding the wave of Haruhi's popularity, you have to see that when it comes to the bottom line, it would actually mean a lot to the reputation of Haruhi if China was attempting to use her, in some way, to sponsor their involvement with the Olympics.