One Piece 597

Awesome chapter , we have a confirmed timeskip of 2years (4 weeks for the manga) and Hawkeye training Zorro and Rayleigh training Luffy... truly awesome.

Read it Here

So what would you like to see from the other characters after the timeskip?

Personally I have hoped for a timeskip for a long time, and what id like to see
is raised bounties for all, and:
Luffy - Haki (seams to be the case)
Zorro - Id like to to see him wielding something other than katanas
Chopper - To control his giant monster form.
Usopp - Using real guns, more serious.
Sanji - Being able to fight girls.
and overall skill improvement for all.
Zorro needs to keep the katanas.
And the slingshot is what makes Usopp epic he's a better shot with that than most with a riffle. Him snipping the marines on the Bridge of dispear from the top of Enis Lobby was awsome Because he could do it with a slingshot.
wew its like Naruto Shippuden HAHA. niCe.

4 weeks... that's some time....siGH.

I guess franky can transform into different forms

and he'll upgrade the ship like it can become a submarine or something..that wud be niCe.

Nami might also get a new weapon controlling weather more powerful or somethinG.
I demand a chapter that is +50 pages long when it comes back from break.
Awesome Chapter was awesome.

4 weeks... long time, gonna be worth it though.
After the 4 week break, it's been announced that One Piece will be known as
One Piece: New World. Pretty fucking sick.

I'm really hoping to see how the crew will improve. I don't mean just in terms of strength, but in other ways. It's pretty obvious that they'll get stronger, but I hope Oda has other things planned.

Also, Oda managed to make an entire chapter of just explaining just fucking awesome. Unlike a certain manga about shinigamis, which makes explanations the most tedious thing in the world, Oda managed to make it exciting. An impressive mangaka for certain.

But I still like Brook's condition. It still makes no sense to me whatsoever. The area where every other Strawhat was sent to makes sense, but I really don't see how Brook will improve. Besides making better music? Here's hoping that his new songs will have some crazy effect like strengthening the crew during battle or something.
waynoinsano wrote...
Zorro needs to keep the katanas.

Katanas are nice and all but it's starting to get boring, Id like to see him wielding something new.

waynoinsano wrote...

And the slingshot is what makes Usopp epic he's a better shot with that than most with a riffle. Him snipping the marines on the Bridge of dispear from the top of Enis Lobby was awsome Because he could do it with a slingshot.

Sure but he barley even wound them, they get right up after being shot every time.
So he can stall the enemies hurray? and if he got something like the rifle that Van Ōgā (the blackbeards sniper) has he can make the shot from that far away and really hurt them... awesome or not.

I'm not really going to debate this further, this is just what id like see.
what changes there actually will be remains to be seen. And following One Piece You know they are going to be Epic.
Luffy - Imbue Haki into his moves. More Gears.

Zoro - More badassery with his Katanas. Probably will imbue Haki into his Katanas

Sanji - Okama Kempo, ability to imbue Haki into his legs. Probably use techniques to make him uber fast or shoot projectiles like rankyakuu. Will be able to cook stuff to enhance physical qualities of the crew

Usopp - Imbue Haki into his weapons, better inventions for his slingshot

Nami - More Inventions for her Clima-tact and better knowledge about the weather in the New World

Robin - More Knowledge about the History of the World of One Piece. New moves using her Devil Fruit

Chopper - More forms and able to control his monster form. Will probably invent the rumble ball to be consumed more than once, or at least extend the limit.

Franky - Better Cyborg Body. More Knowledge about Inventing and better Inventions and stuff

Brook - ??!?!?!?!?!? No Idea. Will probably learn a few new moves from the Longarm Tribe. Or learn songs imbued with Haki to Enhance physical qualities of the crew. The Longarm tribe IS related to Music :P

Eitherway, a month is gonna KILL me D:
lollercookiez wrote...
I'm really hoping to see how the crew will improve. I don't mean just in terms of strength, but in other ways. It's pretty obvious that they'll get stronger, but I hope Oda has other things planned.

This week's chapter was better than porn! (during the time I was reading it..)

I knew they were gonna have to go some kind of training eventually. I hope there's no lame story arc in between the 2 year gap.
Cheers to the one who forecasted this time skip.

We'll finally get to see a grown-up luffy after 10 years of One piece awesomness.
RedJest wrote...
This week's chapter was better than porn!

I probably wouldn't put it that way, but yeah, it was good stuff. Next time we see the crew, they will be shitloads stronger, especially Luffy. Opponents had difficulty handling Luffy's gear 2 speed before. Now add mantra to that! Luffy would be god like in a fist fight. Not to mention, he would actually be able to hit Logia users after the training. One thing I did find weird though was the zorro-mihawk training. All this time, we were expecting a final showdown between Zorro and Mihawk to determine the world's greatest swordsman but this training tells me that Mihawk will not be Zorro's final opponent in One Piece. If that does happen though, I am pretty sure Oda could come up with a bad ass opponent for Zorro.

I honestly can't remember the last time I went a month without One Piece. These are dark times, dark times indeed.
udou_akira wrote...
I honestly can't remember the last time I went a month without One Piece. These are dark times, dark times indeed.

Yes but fortunately the anime will still run, and it's in the middle of the war now so that's nice at least.
I wanna see Nami's new weapon just because of this panel from last ch.
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Hentanize wrote...
Cheers to the one who forecasted this time skip.

We'll finally get to see a grown-up luffy after 10 years of One piece awesomness.

People don't really change much from 18 to 20 yrs old. But a little added height would be nice. Still, Luffy would still need to cover a lot of ground to close the height mismatch between him and Hancock. Hopefully everyone gets new clothes.
It's been almost 2Y 4 weeks since last chapter..

I'm so excited to wait time like these.. COME ON!! WHIP THOSE TRANSLATOR ASS OFF!! MAKE IT QUICKER!!
I fail to see how whipping the translators will make the chapter come out faster in japan.
i don't care how are translators gonna work on that, i don't read japanese so whatever translators made about one piece i'm pleased! lol
You do realize One Piece is on a break right? It has nothing to do with translators. Even people in Japan haven't read it in 2 weeks.
KLoWn wrote...
I fail to see how whipping the translators will make the chapter come out faster in japan.

It may not at first but time fly's when your having fun.

I have to say I'm pissed that there's a time skip, don't get me wrong I'm excited about new outfits and Usopp getting a real gun; but its just a cheap device by writers to skip on real story development. I want to see changes but I don't see why the story can't just be told regularly and changes happen. Its just getting everyone's panties in a bunch for shit that really wont change anything but a tiny bit and add some mystery that will be gone by the 1st new chapter.

I'm just saying a lot of wasted time over nothing. Now if One Piece changes to be a bad ass and they stop being pussies and teaching 3rd graders about love and friendship and instead bring in some hard core "this is how the real world is" shit and or become actual pirates and not just adventures I'll at least be happy
-rant over