
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
New TV series has been announced! Yay, more Lina Inverse! Supposed to be 24-26 epi's split into two seasons.
Awesome, I watched Slayers up through Try quite a few years ago. I don't remember a whole lot about the show, but I liked it. My brother was a big fan of it, so I'll have to pass on this information to him.
Whoa! Now that's a blast from the past!

I've only recently started watching torrents of Slayers NEXT since it gets referenced so much on one of the roleplaying sites I hang out on. I feel totally old school every time the OP fires up.

Guess this explains why danbooru suddenly had an influx of Slayers images.

What's next, Sailor Moon Super Stars?
Read about the news on another site too. However, I am wondering how this particular series would be like. You are Under Arrest made a comeback after a few years, retaining it old, classic style of animation. Will Slayers follow suit?

At the same time, I am not sure if new viewers will be able to catch on with its storyline, provided it continues from its previous installment.
<3 new Slayers!

I just hope they keep the same voice actors... man it's been awhile...
Woot. Maybe this time Zelgaddas will remember thats hes a golem-like human and that he has to fix himself. (I know i butchered the spelling of his name and i apoligize)
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Series is titled: Slayers REVOLUTION

Hayashibara Megumi has confirmed on her radio show that the original cast will reprise their roles.

An important announcement will be made in the July issue of Dragon Magazine.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Sylpiel and Prince Phil is reported to appear in Slayers REVOLUTION. The story takes place at the time when Lina and Gourry start a new journey to look for Gourry’s new sword with the power of magic.

Slated for a July release
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
first epi out! go get it now!

edit: Haha, gourry always breaking his sword.
Haha Lina Inverse.DOTA!!
Only experience I've had with Slayers is the movie. I remember buying that movie in some anime store (in which I was actually underaged and shouldn't have been allowed in). Come to think of it, Naga was definitely the first anime chick I had thought was hot as hell. She's the one that got me started in all this mess! :lol:
Forum Image:

so... Slayers Revolution stands where?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
It takes place after Try, Lina and Gourry are

searching for a replacement for the Sword of Light.

Moar Dragon Slave is always good.
