
Thank you Zalora you fucking rock
0 sign this petition if you want Toonmai back on Adult Swim
i loved watching outlaw star ,tenchi muyo,reboot ,dragon ball z dam it been so long
I do too..I was watching toonami ever since space ghost its original version...with tom being the host....I remember watching gundam naruto hamtaro ronin warriors kenshin igpx...all those Awsome animes every day after started to get worse without me realizing it Becuz they got closer n.closer to ending it from moving it during.the day to at night then 7am then only on Saturdays then Sundays and done...

I was really sad when I found out it was over and was just an amazing part of my child hood and is the reason I love.anime to this very day...the reason I started Watching more n more of it...its ashame it had to end....
Man I grew up on watching Toonami. It's what introduced me to Anime. DBZ, Outlaw Star, Gundam. Anyone remember Ronin Warriors? Some good shit.
Adult Swim said to retweet "#BringBackToonami" if we would like it to return.
Wow takes me back ten(10) years or so when i run home just so
i could watch toonami and not just me but my family it was the best
part in growing up but these day CN airing some crap on TV for kid,
i couldn't believe it, i feel kinda sorry for them u know.
That said, perhaps Toonami played its part in turning us all into the Hentai-Fanatics we clearly all aspire to be/have become..?


Sad I missed it. I remember watching Toonami on the last day without knowing it was closing down (I have no clue how I missed it) and the channel not showing anything the next.
What a Childhood wrecker -.-'
I wish toonami had worked in canada >.
I Grew up with Toonami that made my childhood, I i never knew about it I'd never watched Anime thus never Found Fakku thus never been the Man Today XD

Im Petitioning To CN Netwrok and Adult Swim if they make this Perminatn and Actualy DO Bring it back for Reals
If only Toonami had aired Sailor Moon here...

Ah well, at least they were still fun days; Cardcaptor Sakura, for instance, was a great watch when I was young. I wish to watch that once again.
without toonami, i can safely say i would have not been the person that i am now.
There is always Toonami Aftermath if you want that nostalgia bliss.
Thing haven't been the same since it left. For many of the people who grew up viewing toonami it was like viewing to best anime the world had to offer back then. Then as things changed; japan began regressing, cancelling licenses, blocking dubbing of animes the list goes on & on. The only way thing got back here was through mail ordering, through translating corps doing their best & then later through the dread of piracy. Things changed & it really wasn't for the best. Now back in the day when toonami ran, it basely made anime cool. Talking about anime in public made you cool. Now when you talk about anime in public everyone looks at you like you're a weirdo. Nostalgia...the animes that got me into anime was Dragon Ball(z,gt,etc), zoids, & gundam(Wing,GT,etc), Digimon , Sailor Moon(Yes guys did watched this), Outlaw Star(You don't know about this). I say that out of all the anime i saw, Gundam Wing was really what got me into watching anime everyday. I can go without Dragon Ball for a few day, but not Gundam Wing.
Gundam Wing <3
0 is a website with nothing but live streaming toonami shows for free with a little chatroom on the side
i know i saw that it was so not fair i almost cried when i heard it was a joke
Well even if it was a joke at least the last time Tom was on the air he wasnt that shity last version.
Nickelodeon, Toonami, Fox Kids, those were the best days of my life! I would run home after school to watch Gundam Wing or wake up early as shit to catch Cardcaptors or Samurai Pizza Cats. Call me a nostalgia whore, but things were so much better in the 90's! I remember a conversation I had with my father when I came home from school:

Father: Go around to the barber shop and get your hair cut.

Me: I don't wanna! D=

Father: FINE!! Get your mother to pay for your hair cuts!

Me: Ok! *goes back to watching Tenchi Muyo*

And thats how I let my hair grow. =) One thing that I never understood was why I was able to wake up early on Saturdays but couldn't get up worth a damn for school? >.>
i agree toonami is what made me watch anime/adult swim
I woke up the next day confused if it where a dream or something..
