[YouTube] The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Dance Video!

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i was learning this dance from my comp and suddenly my mother ask me if i was crazy or wat cuz i was actually learning and laughing non-stop man this is fun.

Forum Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v123/grandia_X/FFmix-sig2.jpg
ok i m defintely learning the dance till pro style just a while ago i saw many cosplayer in japan gathering in huge number around 50 something and they do the dance in youtube and thats it i m not falling behind.
yesterday after posting the comments above i quickly cahrged towards the nearby anime store to buy the malacholy of harumi suzumiya anime and watched it, after watching it i have difficulties abut the anime i hope any1 can help understand more about the anime. Like wat is this anime wants to say about, wat is the creator trying to say ? from wat i understand is this anime tells me to respect females and it shows me that female hv powerfull power but at the same time thay need love from other sex. I hope any1 who undestand it more can share with me if able JACOB plz participate is this too.

Forum Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v123/grandia_X/FFmix-sig2.jpg
Skyler998 wrote...
yesterday after posting the comments above i quickly cahrged towards the nearby anime store to buy the malacholy of harumi suzumiya anime and watched it, after watching it i have difficulties abut the anime i hope any1 can help understand more about the anime. Like wat is this anime wants to say about, wat is the creator trying to say ? from wat i understand is this anime tells me to respect females and it shows me that female hv powerfull power but at the same time thay need love from other sex. I hope any1 who undestand it more can share with me if able JACOB plz participate is this too.

The anime aired on Japanese television out of order, so the episodes were not chronological. The reason for this (I think) was to accent the fact that Haruhi has control over the universe, therefor she can defy the natural order of the episodes and pick and choose how she wants them shown.

The U.S. release of the DVD volumes are the only ones that also have show them out of order. This is kind of cool because even in Japan they don't have a DVD set that shows the episodes how they were originally aired.

I probably have some of the above facts wrong though, so feel free to post your opinions. But you should check out the Wikipedia article about Haruhi.
Jacob wrote...

The anime aired on Japanese television out of order, so the episodes were not chronological. The reason for this (I think) was to accent the fact that Haruhi has control over the universe, therefor she can defy the natural order of the episodes and pick and choose how she wants them shown.

I've never thought of it that way. Haruhi no Yuuutsu has a feminist tone into it? didn't notice... however, in the end, a nameless and completely ordinary guy (Kyon) had a lot more influence in the universe than it may have seemed
even if the world had to come to an end, that nameless guy would live on... and he may have the power to change the world himself as shown in the last aired episode...

btw, the Megaman vids were just too 8-bit-cute!
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