[Locked] FAKKU Books Gift Week 3!

This week we have another gift to thank all the FAKKU Books users out there. And this time it's all about the vanilla. Today we have a chapter for you by the talented Kekemotsu from the latest Comic X-Eros, in all its English uncensored glory. In a week or two we'll be formally announcing the next big thing coming to FAKKU, and it's big.

If you've ever bought a book from us and your account has the FAKKU Books achievement, just click the image below to start reading!

AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Ah...Sweet Vanilla releases are always, always welcome!

Not that I wouldn't have done it even without this, but this definitely makes buying stuff on the store more worth it.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Thank you once again! ^_^
Wow, this is awesome! Please tell me you'll be translating new Wani magazine stuff like this more often. I'd gladly pay a subscription for something like this! Maybe 5-6 select chapters a month?
Color + cute is a nice combo indeed (>w<)
Very vanilla? Yassssssssssssss!!!!!
A question, can you download these gifts?
Make sure you read the girl's dialogue in the voice of Kido Ibuki as the pony tail girl from Kanojo ga Flag. I have determined that to be the optimal mental voice.
today's my birthday. thanks for the birthday present
This some good stuff Jacob and I have listen to the ANN Cast interview and I'm looking forward to all the changes coming soon.
I enjoyed this one, thank you!
I can say that hopefully you guys translate stuff from Butcha-U in Comic X Eros
I♥Ecchi Ecchi is ♥ Ecchi is ✞
ty this was a sweet vanilla.
I posted my comment on the stories comment section, but I have to say it again. This story has a lot of great potential to become a small series, or just a large book. I'd really love to write with your people sometime for this story, and honestly, there is so much just from the main story and the last page to make this a great read, not too mention it could be the most vanilla story out there, not to mention most original too.