[gy] Shady Dealings

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Every book release is special at FAKKU! We're always genuinely excited to get you access to content you can't get anywhere else, but there are some releases that are true landmarks for us: Shady Dealings is one. This is our first completely original book. All but two chapters were written for FAKKU and were published exclusively by us. gy is a Western artist without connections to the Japanese publishing industry, so Shady Dealings will also be our first Western title, complete with some touched up artwork for the book version.

That said, the artist has made an effort to ensure that the book will still fit in perfectly with your other FAKKU releases. The size and design will be the same as all of our books, it will be read right-to-left, and except for the English logos, it should look like something you could easily find on a Japanese store shelf! The same can be said about the content, where you can expect schoolgirl outfits, kogals, and other classic ero manga tropes to make plenty of appearances.

Oh, and there's a lot of anal.

Release Dates

Pre-Order - December 29, 2017
Digital - January 4, 2018
Paperback - May 2018

Get the book here!

Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/sd_jacket_pewview.jpg
I can dig it.
gohqn Loli goddess husband
Will be a nice christmas !
dogrunes FAKKU Letterer
gy rules and i'm super looking forward to this
Bandit35 ShindoL's Muse
Yes, we finally get a Ghetto Youth dojin.
Daiz FAKKU Developer
dogrunes wrote...
gy rules and i'm super looking forward to this

AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
I'm certainly always happy to hear about new book releases.

gy does some great work and it's great to see gy get recognised for it. An actual book release sounds simply amazing.
This is terrific!

Hopefully FAKKU brings GY to AX so I can get it signed.
Cool! I always liked gy's art and it's awesome to see them getting their own book.
Woah. This looks really refreshing. I needed something different from the usual hentai. Can't wait for this!
Interesting, didn't expect this. Congraulations @gy !

I've been asking for this for a long time. I'm so glad it became a reality. Can't wait to preorder this. It's going to become one of my instant favorites in my collection
Smuggins Just Some Guy
I'll pass, since I not that big into the anorexic look (too much ribcage), but I'll give a "Huzzah" for more books in general.
darkfriend Always Finish Inside
Awesome. Love to see new directions like this. And lots of anal is always a win.
Gy manga. The thing everybody asked for, but none of us expected. Looks like I'm buying myself an early Christmas gift.
I'm looking forward to it
Thanks everyone, I'm super excited!
It should be noted that, besides the touched up artwork, there will be an unreleased chapter included. Yurisa is going to make a comeback:

Forum Image: https://a.pomfe.co/igwrpl.png
Mmmm emo yandere? gal? gym leggings? mmm thats pretty good, the portrait is good but i dont know the tags or the story, but i want to try.
I need this! I can't express how much joy this is bringing me right now! 😃😃😃
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