Bought a FAKKU book at Fanime 2015

Is there a way to validate my account for future Fakku previews?!
As I'm not staff I'm going to take a stab in the dark... If it was a digital code(because I have seen like cards for digital codes for books) I'd assume it has instructions on the card. Now if you book a psychical book... I'd assume just talk to a staff member about getting the access to fakku book features ?
As far as I know, it's linked to the achievement, so emailing any of the mods might be your best bet.
Who exactly would be a mod? Sorry, I used to traverse Fakku as an unregistered user but now I'm a member for the sake of vanilla uncensored bewbs
Khentai1337 wrote...
Is there a way to validate my account for future Fakku previews?!

Email them!
Crazy Ben, Bobby, Waar(spelling maybe?) or Jacob himself.

There are probably more I'm forgetting. The thing is you need to find a MOD not an UPLOADER.