Connecticon - Googly Eye Antics

So I went to Connecticon this weekend and saw Jacob and Bobby in panels and at the Fakku booth, and convinced Bobby and helpers to try something silly with me:

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Eventually I just kinda went rogue and googly eyed all over the booth while people actually specifically bought the copies with the googly eyes on them.

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I was able to convince Bobby et al after they saw what I did to the hentai DVDs over at the Media Blasters booth...

Media Blasters 1
Media Blaster 2
Media Blasters 3

While I'm at it, here's the posts for the Fakku Booth (containing the pictures above):
Fakku Manga
Fakku Booth
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You sir are genius! \(Q_Q)/
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I say these are improvements!
This is funnier than it has any right to be.
Timeenforceranubis wrote...
This is funnier than it has any right to be.

This about sums it up. I and the folks at the booth said that word for word. X-D

I didn't realize it until later though, but not only was it funny, but apparently people actually bought the ones with googly eyes on them SPECIFICALLY, and us standing around laughing and taking pictures did get some attention. I think much like Jacob's panels, a bit of levity and a sense of community is a great ice-breaker at the porn booth, and it seems like that was good for sales too. X-P

I wonder if people bought the googly eyed versions in part because it offers a tie back to the experience of the con, particularly with the googly eyes as a visual reminder of such. X-P

I actually did this after doing the same at the Media Blasters booth (and later went back and did more). Would people like me to post those here as well? (I think I linked them on Tumblr above, but I could obviously embed them here regardless if there's interest)
Btw, any Connecticon attendees reading this thread?

Even better, are there any proud owners of a new googly'd manga here?
Also, I kind of want this to become a thing people do at cons (with Fakku or in general), because I LOVE it. X-D

I'm definitely bringing googly eyes whenever I go to a con from now on; that was the best choice I made ALL WEEKEND! X-D
You sir have a brilliant mind and I shall join your endeavor.
Bobby busying dying
JinxedJoker wrote...
Also, I kind of want this to become a thing people do at cons

Fucking deal. I'll make sure googly eyes are on the check list for cons, atleast on the east coast.
Bunny5390 The Defenestrator!
This is genius XD

You sir, are amazing. You have made me realize the true awesomeness of googly eyes.

I'm so bringing them to Otakuthon now :D
Haha! I'm so glad so many people got a kick out of these too! I hope you'll come back and share yours as well! X-P

Bonus post, I put some on game covers at a LAN I went to recently:

Derponetta is my favorite:

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