Cosplay and the Cosplayers Within.

For a while now, about 3 years, I've been seriously into cosplay. However, being plus sized it can be a little hard to do! --Please note, what I'm about to say isn't meant to offend, just to clarify how 'plus size' can mean a lot of things. So please bare with me, I have a point to this!--

Now, I know a lot of people wonder what defines “plus size” and a lot of people say that people who are overweight or obese aren't “plus size” and just unhealthy. But let's be honest; in today’s world, anything over a size 16 or 18, or in some cases 12 or 14, is usually categorized as “plus size”. The problem in that is that there are a lot of different types of people. Someone who is tall (as in close to 6ft or more) and of a healthy weight sometimes need to wear “plus size” clothes, because they are proportionate to their height or are a bit more curvy then shorter people they require more cloth. Just like someone who is short (closer to 5ft or less), of a healthy weight, and not as curvy may need to buy petite clothes; but they aren't anorexic or health nuts.
I'm not saying all tall people or short people aren't healthy or unhealthy. People are the way they are because of genetics, emotions, sickness, and because of the way the world is today. Today we live in a time where things can be convenient. Fast food, cars, even TV or video games can cause people to get larger due to the lack of exercise and proper diet. While on the other hand a lot of exercise can also make someone become “plus size”; all those bigger muscles need something larger to fit into after all! So, “plus size” can mean a lot.

That being said. I am a large person, most would consider me overweight. Fast food and sugary sweets are just too good! And there's nothing I love more than just being lazy and on the computer, watching some of my favorite TV shows, or playing a good game; but, I am smaller than what I used to be. I was close to 300lbs, but now I'm down to about 240! True that's not considered 'healthy' but still way better then I used to be.

The point to this forum is to support cosplayers that are considered “plus size” and others who have trouble cosplaying because of their weight, or even race and sex!!! Tiny or Plus Size, we all want to enjoy something the way others do! We love these things just like everyone else!

So please, all I ask is that no one 'hate' on anyone. First-time, home made, professional, on a budget, or even another nationality or gender. Just because it doesn't look just like the drawings doesn't mean we can't have fun with what we got!

So please share your stories! I'd love to hear them! Please share your story on how cosplay has changed you and show that just because you're different doesn't mean you can't do the same as everyone else! Also I'd love for this to be a forum where if you are having problems you feel comfortable asking for help. Be it not knowing what character to cosplay and how to modify it to work, what wig or cloth to go with, or just needing a bit of a boost after negative feedback. I want everyone to support one another!

(All kinds of cosplayers are welcome! People of different nationalities and gender of the character they are cosplaying are welcome just as much as those who are over or under weight!)
I think the DanganRonpa was a personal favorite of all the ones you showed and I really like what you had to say. I am not plus sized so I may not be able to relate to the struggles related to that and cosplaying, but I definitely show my support and think that it's awesome for anyone in general to cosplay. It takes balls to do it and no matter what you look like or who you are if you are doing it and you love it then who is anyone to judge?

I think one story I can remember back when I did a convention years ago (I would post photos but I don't have them/haven't done conventions in a long time lol) but I remember I was amazed at this woman who did Sango from inuyasha. Her hair and costume were stunning, but she was a plus sized cosplayer and was much larger then yourself. I went up to her and told her how she did a great job. She thought I was joking at first, but I really stressed how awesome her cosplay was and she was shy but flattered.

I know even when I cosplay or when I go to pick it up in the future no matter what you will get good with bad, but as long as you enjoy who you are doing then it doesn't matter (^^)

Best wishes with your future cosplay (^^)