Cosplay ideas for a skinny dude

I've been watching Heroes of Cosplay, and with Hallloween coming up i've been inspired to try cosplaying for it.Im not sure what i want to cosplay as, which is why i am currently open to suggestions. So if you know of any anime/videogame/manga male characters who happen to be skinny i will look into them
You could cosplay as Slenderman.
You could cosplay Freddy Kruger.
If its Halloween then think of what you like the most and go the costume shop and see If you can find seperate parts for it!
Can you tell us what kinds of anime or video games you like? Several skinny male characters come to mind but I'd rather know your tastes before throwing out suggestions.
UsagiHime wrote...
Can you tell us what kinds of anime or video games you like? Several skinny male characters come to mind but I'd rather know your tastes before throwing out suggestions.

Anime-I don't really have a anime preference(only genre i avoid now is harem, and i've found the male characters in those are usually plainly dressed anyways),but generally when it comes to entertainment i do have a preference for the supernatural(I have some vampire fangs i wore to a rave once)

Video games-I love fighting games,although that genre usually doesn't contain much skinny dudes. Related to that, protagonists that specialize in melee attacks also generally strike my fancy
What about Hazama from Blazblue?

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UsagiHime wrote...
What about Hazama from Blazblue?

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I think i'm gonna go with him. He looks classy as fuck,and doesn't look like it should be too difficult for me(Im not that experienced of a cosplayer, so difficulty level is something i am taking into account)
Black Jesus JC wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
What about Hazama from Blazblue?

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I think i'm gonna go with him. He looks classy as fuck,and doesn't look like it should be too difficult for me(Im not that experienced of a cosplayer, so difficulty level is something i am taking into account)

Excellent! Glad I could help :)
How about Usopp from One Piece? He is skinny, and the costume doesn't look too hard.
If you're tall and have long hair to boot, I'd suggest Alucard from Hellsing. Badass Dracuala in a classy red coat.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
just saying "for a skinny dude" really doesnt give enough details to work well with. Miroku from Inuyasha maybe?
Tsuritama has a bunch of skinny young bros.
I'm skinny, and my favorite costume is Aladdin, from magi. Is a good costume and it only took me about 50 hours to make.
hentai kamen