Video Game Cosplay

Go ahead and show me your cosplay of video game characters. I'd really like to see them.
I'm not going to a con or anything, I don't have the money. If I was though, I'd dress up as Arle Nadja.

What about you guys? And if you have never cosplayed as a video game character, who would you go as if you as?
I've never even been to a convention yet, to be honest, and I've never seriously thought about attempting a cosplay.

Though since I am a bigger guy, I'd want to choose a character that matches my stature without going with the "Batman after his golden years" kinda thing. The Heavy from TF2 could be pretty cool.

If I'm not talking about video games, Choji from Shippuden was always one that came to mind (I guess he is sorta in games) and I would love to do Al from Fullmetal Alchemist, but I think that would be a bit much if it were my first ever cosplay...
Did Yuna from FF10-2 a long time ago for a Halloween party, but haven't cosplayed in a while. Would love to do Anges from Bravely Default or Rinoa from FF8 as up and coming ones in the future; either that or some anime characters first, not sure just yet.
Bobby busying dying

Blu Spy 2008
Magnificent Twisted Fate 2011
Ragna the Blood Edge 2012
Cid Highwind 2013
video game as in all kind of video game?

I have been cosplaying a few heroines from different otome games. Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken and dreaming about cosplaying lightning and Yuffie from FF.
Also my friend bugged me to cosplay Ahri from lol so I did consider that but I don't know about it since yeah confidence is literally not existing.

Also planning to cosplay Mei (rosa?) or Touko (Hilda?) from Pokemon. Well I have a long list of cosplays I want to do and some video game characters are def on the list.
I am currently working on the on a fem version of the N7 Dead Space armor for PAX South. Finally bought all the gear so I will post pictures when I start making it if anyone cares.
School is getting in the way though so I may just do a basic LVL 2 or 3 suit if I run out of time.