can you fix these garbage ass servers already?

what's the use of a live service when the website is essentially unusable for half of the day?
i get that infrastructure is expensive, but it worked out for the first ~ 7 years as well.
shit started hitting the fan only after the server downgrade/"new design" went live.
and most of the time it isn't even any image loading issues since these load almost instantly. the problem is that this damn red wheel keeps spinning with the manga page being partially blurred/faded out in the background. something i perceive to be handshake issues or some crappy implemented and also unnecessary anti piracy measure.
so why go the extra mile and harass people that are actually trying to financially support you?! i really don't get it!

lastly, yes, i'm from across the pond, and no, i don't think it matters at all since connecting to even further away websites with similar image readers like ebook japan doesn't cause any trouble at all. they even store their images scrambled serverside and it gets unscrambled in real time when you open it. and even then the image load time is under a second like it should be - my ping to japan is roughly 300 to 350 ms, depending on the website and the server location in japan.
For what it's worth, if you run into the recurring issue where you see a blurry page in the background and the spinning wheel, it actually hasn't downloaded the image for the page. The blurry version you see is from a low-res, highly-compressed thumbnail copy of the page that gets upscaled and blurred. The real high-res image files are still being loaded in the background (or not).

The copy protection on FAKKU basically works the same way most similar Japanese sites work: the page images are all scrambled and they get reassembled by a bunch of obfuscated client side javascript onto a canvas. Whenever the FAKKU page rendering is slow, it's almost always because their image server is being sluggish and unresponsive.
thanks for the informative reply.
but if that's the case, then why fade these supposedly low res preview pictures in the first place? cause if they really store every page of a chapter as a thumbnail version, we could just use these until the actual images are loaded in. at least on a 1080p monitor they're more than big enough to not be pixelated at all. you can read the text that isn't obstructed by the loading wheel and characters/objects are sharp/defined.
while this may or may not help people with 4k monitors/phones, most ppl still use 1080p and this could be a temporary solution. that said, the size difference between the preview and the fully loaded picture isn't that big - even if you show the full size. so it may not even fill the screen in 4k.

lastly, if they really scramble/unscramble images like the japanese image readers, then why force the browser to clear the cache after loading 2 - 3 images as additional security measure? It makes rereading the start of a chapter, in case you missed a joke or something, a pain, since you have to load the images yet again.
I mean, the thumbnails are actually pretty bad? Sure the art is fine, but if you actually want to read the text it's not always possible, the text varies between just barely legible and a complete mess. If you want to see what they look like without any blurring just download a few of them yourself and try reading them; they're the same images that are used in the row of "Sample Screenshots" on each story, and the "Jump to Page" view in the reader.

The fade and blur makes them look like they'd be okay, if only you could view them normally, but when you actually try it there's a ton of smear and artifacts. I assume they use them a preview while rendering because they're super cheap, they're tiny compared to the size of an actual page image and don't require authentication. The fade out tricks actually do a surprisingly good job of making it look like there's a much better image hidden there than there really is.
again, even when i go into full screen mode, the picture fills out the screen (so at least 1080p in height) and there is no blur (bad choice of words on my part i guess) at all. just this white "fading" layer over the image and the loading wheel. the text that isn't obstructed by the loading wheel is always readable and never a mess.
this is why i still think that these aren't "thumbnails" but the actual picture that has been fully loaded and the garbo anti piracy protection/handshake system is just buggy/slow af and hasn't "cleared" the image for release if you will.
because no matter how slow a server is, if it takes between 10 and 30 seconds for a single freaking page like in my case yesterday evening when i made this topic, then the server would have timed out long ago if it wasn't another issue which i believe to be some confirmation/handshake/failed anti piracy measure/whatever.
i've made a screenshot and hope that it doesn't get taken down before you can see it. the picture is fully loaded, but it's still faded and loading something else. this time it took just 2-3 seconds for the fade effect/filter to go away and the picture showing normally (still slow, but serviceable), but lately this crap can take between 10 and 30 seconds per page (!!) almost every evening.
Forum Image:
Yeah that picture is just the thumbnail, see

It's more obvious if you look at the slightly smaller text in the top panels, for example they both have the same smearing of the WR in "wrong idea", and the NG in "stop calling". See also the way they have the same blurry F! in the little END tag in the bottom left.
ok, you convinced me that these servers actually employ 90s dial up internet speed. thank you for your time and all your input.
if they at least showed the thumbnails uninterrupted, it would still be pretty pathetic, but at least usable.
my sub runs out on the 6th since there's not really many good chapters coming aside from the homunculus chapter from last week.
just hope they can fix their shit permanently in the meantime.