[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

... all of my favorites are gone I guess they were all unlicensed well I guess this site is dead for me and pururin is dead too... sigh...
[quote="YamatoReaver"]... all of my favorites are gone I guess they were all unlicensed well I guess this site is dead for me and pururin is dead too...

Some man same
Wow I've been a member for nearly 7 years, that's nutty.
That being said, I loved this site. But I just don't want to pay for it. Good luck with the site. I'll poke in every now and then to see hows its going.
straight up lying to your users? Paypal has MULTIPLE systems in place for digital subscription payments.
boltsandguns Electroshock TheRapist
timeinpictures wrote...
straight up lying to your users? Paypal has MULTIPLE systems in place for digital subscription payments.

You seem to have misunderstood, the problem isnt the subscription it's the purely digital ADULT material that the subscription is for. PAYPAL does not allow purely digital adult goods to be sold through its system.
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted ^.^
Bonne chance in the future :)
was_left_unnoticed wrote...
The problem is with them not with us nor with you Fakku. They don't release their works properly; that is outside their country. They don't love the people who love their works. They simply don't love us back.

Everyone knows how they hog Japan stuff with themselves. Their games are exclusive to them, mangas and other goodies as well. Not knowing we love their goods MORE THAN their own people do. How could we play and buy their games if they are in Japanese? How do we buy mangas LEGALLY if they are not even available or even if they are, they stay in Japanese. NOT EVERYONE OF US KNOWS HOW TO READ THEIR LANGUAGE.

We love their works. We even pirate them just to play their games, read their mangas, watch animes. We help each other out. We simply love them! And it's not our fault why we do this ILLEGALLY. They forced us to. If they hadn't then this shouldn't be a problem now.

I am a new subscriber. Having noticed that everything's starting to become either for users only or dubbed 'Fakku books', I started to register. I would love to pay but isn't $12 too much..? Shouldn't there be a method where we pay for the series we specifically like? And it's per month for crying out loud. I don't even own any of the payment methods that are available. By the time I decided to create one, this showed up. Everything that is not licensed are removed. WHERE'S THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING THE ARTISTS NOW?

Forgive me if I am contradicting something. I just simply don't like whatever is happening.

Fakku, you were doing a great job supporting the artists and hey, they should be the one thanking you for having their works included in your massive library. The path you're taking now is different from where you used to be.

You shouldn't be the one making solutions. They are the problem. The way they release their works ARE the problem. You shouldn't be dealing with this on your own. And besides, no one would react negatively if whatever you're doing is correct, right?

We react like this because we love this site. Think this through Fakku.

this, I agree!
hgatedc wrote...
12$ is cheap. Thats fact. Its just how much you can stomach paying for porn when you never did before would form the result of your decisions.

Those who never paid for a sub for porn will always complain of the price. They dont even know what that price is worth. Again, its not their paychecks that gets smaller when it should get bigger.

^ Actually most Porn sites are cheap and Video Streaming/Delivery = greater bandwidth cost then images, and yet they only want $9.99/mon for all HD porn you want. So you can stomach it, given the fact that they're making some money of it, but meh. Important thing here is your comparing how much it costs to stream a 400mb video file over a CDN to the user then what it costs to deliver 20-30mb worth of images (even less as they are compressed, ref JPEG).

Also for subscription thing.

There are few PayPal alternatives, with Subscription system one being Stripe which is aimed at developers. There is also Skrill, WePay, Google Wallet, Authorize.NET so there are alternatives.

Some sites accept payments truth paypal via Dummy sites, one being Danbooru. In the end Fakku was a great site, but fuck all this changes.
c1ph3r wrote...
hgatedc wrote...
12$ is cheap. Thats fact. Its just how much you can stomach paying for porn when you never did before would form the result of your decisions.

Those who never paid for a sub for porn will always complain of the price. They dont even know what that price is worth. Again, its not their paychecks that gets smaller when it should get bigger.

^ Actually most Porn sites are cheap and Video Streaming/Delivery = greater bandwidth cost then images, and yet they only want $9.99/mon for all HD porn you want. So you can stomach it, given the fact that they're making some money of it, but meh. Important thing here is your comparing how much it costs to stream a 400mb video file over a CDN to the user then what it costs to deliver 20-30mb worth of images (even less as they are compressed, ref JPEG).

Also for subscription thing.

There are few PayPal alternatives, with Subscription system one being Stripe which is aimed at developers. There is also Skrill, WePay, Google Wallet, Authorize.NET so there are alternatives.

Some sites accept payments truth paypal via Dummy sites, one being Danbooru. In the end Fakku was a great site, but fuck all this changes.

With the legitimacy of the porn in question.
LeDirector Starving Daigakusei
I'm just glad to see a site going legitimate. Far too many times, sites fall entirely into pirated content, only to draw a following, and then an impromptu shutdown once the authorities get a grasp on 'em. And it's not like the content being produced is lackluster; it's been incredible thus far, in my opinion. So I'm not mad about the disappearance of a lot of things. (And, as many said, they are available elsewhere. Not that they SHOULD be, but they most certainly are, so there's that.) And I don't mean to be rude, but frankly if you can't pay for something you probably shouldn't have it. All these people saying "But now I have to pay!" is utterly insane: If you went up to a vendor, and tried to obtain their wares without paying, what do you think would happen? If Steam suddenly offered paid games for free, do you think they would still be around? No, they wouldn't. Stop complaining, it only proves that you're probably not mature enough for the content you've been free-loading on. I don't mean to target people, but it's annoying to see the same things repeated.

tl;dr I will continue to support Fakku! It's great that the entire H-genre is getting a legit business going here in the U.S., and I'm willing to compromise some minor content to see that happen. Here's hoping one day we'll have some Comiket-like digital distribution down the line, where some smaller/indie creators can contribute to the library. Cheers, and Happy New Year's!
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
c1ph3r wrote...
hgatedc wrote...
12$ is cheap. Thats fact. Its just how much you can stomach paying for porn when you never did before would form the result of your decisions.

Those who never paid for a sub for porn will always complain of the price. They dont even know what that price is worth. Again, its not their paychecks that gets smaller when it should get bigger.

^ Actually most Porn sites are cheap and Video Streaming/Delivery = greater bandwidth cost then images, and yet they only want $9.99/mon for all HD porn you want. So you can stomach it, given the fact that they're making some money of it, but meh. Important thing here is your comparing how much it costs to stream a 400mb video file over a CDN to the user then what it costs to deliver 20-30mb worth of images (even less as they are compressed, ref JPEG).

Also for subscription thing.

There are few PayPal alternatives, with Subscription system one being Stripe which is aimed at developers. There is also Skrill, WePay, Google Wallet, Authorize.NET so there are alternatives.

Some sites accept payments truth paypal via Dummy sites, one being Danbooru. In the end Fakku was a great site, but fuck all this changes.

You also have to consider that, if we're thinking of the same hub, they had the backing of someone who had already made a fortune. You're also comparing mainstream entertainment to a niche one.
Wow i must have missed a lot since i just noticed this lol. Wow got rid of a lot of content, but cannot fault them from turning Fakku into a legitimate business and looking toward the future with it. Just hope they do get more cause right now a subscription for me when only appearing on the site now once a month isn't ideal..
Love fakku and I don't mind supporting the cause. Just keep the content rolling. On another note having a subscription and not being able to read chapters from fakku books is kind of annoying.
Nearly all of my favorite comics have been deleted. Do you guys plan on adding that content back with the paid subscription. Also will you combine the feature books with the subscription as well?
okay, now there is really no reason to use this site, there is basically zero content now. that is sad, this was my favorite site, but i guess not every good thing can last, at least there are other sites to get my hentia fix.
First off I would like to say I have only really made this account to post in this thread. I've been an unregistered free user for possibly 1-2 years, coming to the site maybe once or twice a month and I must say it's a very nice site for what it contained yet when I came to it today, I fear it could be the last. Not because I have to pay, yet instead because I seriously cannot justify the price tag for what I'd be getting. To say Fakku has turned into a subscription-based site to me feels like only hardcore doujin fans would want to come here yet because of the clearance of unlicensed content there's hardly anything to draw people in with. Anyway, I'll stop pratting along and get on to the two main reasons why I'd refuse the high price tag of Fakku unless it was either drastically lowered or better payment options were available:

1. The content. going back a little bit; This is what I'm on about. I came on to here today to find that literally every kind of doujin I'd come to this site for is gone and whatever's left looks absolutely horrible to me. Why would I pay for a site that can't provide what I want?

2. The frequency of visits. Again, I'll probably visit this site once or twice on a good month so the price tag would be absolutely insane for a light user such as myself. Why would I pay for a site that I'll hardly ever visit, yet keep taking my money anyway?

Again before people complain about me being cheap, the problem I have with the subscription is not the price itself (I could pay for thousands of subscriptions a month without indebting myself.) Perhaps instead we could have other payment methods put into place such as a tiered subscription service (Pay X amount and view Y amount of doujin per month) or selling the doujin to be viewed through Fakku only for a cheap price.

While I try to not pirate content there are cases where I cannot avoid it if I want to consume that kind of content. With doujin being so niche it's pretty hard to find what you want without hours of searching and I'd rather not import physical copies of pornographic material. The only things that will stay dirty are my hard drives and my search history.
I subscribe because i genuinely enjoy the fresh legal content, its all super high quality . My problem is that my favorites list, is now gone. I was not prepared for the purge, and now my collection of hentai all of which were PERFECT to my tastes, carefully collected over the years, is gone.
I cant possibly remember all of them. Not even half. They are essentially lost to me.
It would have been so much nicer if, while still making all the pirated content unavailable , you Could have at least displayed the name of the removed content , so i Could pursue it through other means, OR even support the artist in some way? Perhaps BUY the content through LEGAL means? I mean fuck,it was on my favorites for a reason. only the ELITE made it on that bad boy. It was like the Harvard of favorites lists. I would easily fork over some hard cash for that shit. I would track the man that drew it if thats what it would take. But its gone. Not even a dead " content removed " link to taunt me with what once was, just fucking nothing.

You havnt just removed my ability to view some of my most beloved content on FAKKU. You have removed its existence from my life.

You might as well have literally destroyed every copy in the world of every manga/douijn removed from my favorites, as my odds of rembering them, or stumbling upon them by chance on some sketchy impossible to navigate backwater site, will essentially remain the same.

Im not going to say im leaving, or threaten to stop subscribing like some infant. I will continue to pay and support the site because i enjoy the content and love what this site does,
But know this-
You have hurt me.
I am but a peaceful fawn, suckling at your teat, exploring all of your content, buying every book, subscribing since you first offered it, and you have struck me.

RIP FAKKU Favorites, sweet sweet FAKKU Favorites. Your Disappearance on that cold December night will haunt me for as long as my attraction to drawn pornography lasts.
What is going to be with the anime or game based comics? :)
Arcanesin wrote...
My objection to most of the arguments on here about having to pay is that its mostly just one thing, that its now Pay vs Free.

recently here in the UK they introduced a charge of 5p for a carrier bag in supermarkets now, and its astounding how many people now refuse to use them. and this isnt simply a moral outrage at being charged, it is because it was once free and now isn't, much the same as Fakku is doing.

Except that was deliberate. That tax was to help the environment, not raise money
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
obadboy wrote...
Nearly all of my favorite comics have been deleted. Do you guys plan on adding that content back with the paid subscription. Also will you combine the feature books with the subscription as well?

Considering they only have a contract with Wani for now, adding everything deleted back in subscription format will be hard.

But there is hope, after all, the plan is to be able to get licenses right from other publishers, so that what was removed, can be finally legally available.