A Touch of AJAX + New Forum Categories

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Two comments:

Very good dropdown search. I dont have to guess if i need the correct spelling for something.

Jacob, nice typing in 'fate' in the search box. I guess we Rin-lovers need something to advertise to support Rin. heheheh
God you guys are freaking awesome! The only other place I've seen this drop down is yahoo! This means we have yahoo-standard programmers! Who are better ;D
It appears we have mixed opinions about the mecha section. However, like the other trial sections, why not implement it and see how it goes before making a final decision?

I can already foresee a few topics such as gunpla collections, etc.
Lovin the autodrop search. Me being the mecha-fan i am yea it really isnt hittin me to start a mecha/robot area.
i have a question will it affect my viewing experiance if i happen to use Lolifox instead of Firefox?
Umm srry Tenza. I was clicking around and accidently clicked on your +rep tab. I'm not saying you don't deserve it but can an admin correct that?

Oh and on the subject, great job Jacob. Also, all the people complaining about the mecha thing, there is ALOT of categories which you can alternativley use to get to mecha sections, so I think you can live without that.
Tenza wrote...
i have a question will it affect my viewing experiance if i happen to use Lolifox instead of Firefox?

Probably not since Lolifox is just Firefox that has some visual tweaks and a few plug-ins.
please need mecha and robot pr0n... ooohhh sexy...
cool update i like the AJAX! Keep up the good work!
awesome update..
Awesome as always ..... All hail to FAKKU. ^^
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