Heaven's Feel

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Yahahoo! I found a site to download the game. It's a big file but I'm willing to wait. I just hope it works out fine and I REALLY hope it's as good as what I keep hearing.
VitaliyK wrote...
Yahahoo! I found a site to download the game. It's a big file but I'm willing to wait. I just hope it works out fine and I REALLY hope it's as good as what I keep hearing.

You'll love it. Especially the fact that is is from TYPE-MOON and can get very exciting (especially for a visual novel)

Plot's awesome with the characters that are even more epic than usual. Sure Shriou sucks during Fate, but is on a WHOLE different level in Heaven's Feel. Can't wait to try this voiced.

yukiotoko wrote...
does anyone has the link? can post it here?
i cant find any mirrormoon link in their website abt heaven's feel

btw, is there only 1 series of Fate/stay night hentaigame?

If your talking about the english patch it is on their main site. If your talking about getting an illegal copy of the game, you'll have to find that yourself since MirrorMoon wlll not support piracy on the case that it's distributed in 'goodwill'. Well as soon as I get an official paypal, I'll probably buy the visual novel anyways.
I'm like allready 2/3rds the way through Heaven's feel allready :3

my opinion on Sakura has changed a bit, I allways thought that she was this timid girl, but she's quite the animal

I should have thought that, since I dated a quiet girl with a hidden wild side before
I first must fnished the UBW route, but..... hell yeah at last T_T man this is one of the greates november of all english visual novel history T_T

I just cant wait, to re-install the game with the real-nua voices T_T
spaxxor wrote...
I'm like allready 2/3rds the way through Heaven's feel allready :3

my opinion on Sakura has changed a bit, I allways thought that she was this timid girl, but she's quite the animal

I should have thought that, since I dated a quiet girl with a hidden wild side before

I remember this guy on the forums who made a post about being raped by the shy quiet girl who used sleeping pills on him. Apparently it turned out good in the end and they got together.
nsl41288 wrote...
spaxxor wrote...
I'm like allready 2/3rds the way through Heaven's feel allready :3

my opinion on Sakura has changed a bit, I allways thought that she was this timid girl, but she's quite the animal

I should have thought that, since I dated a quiet girl with a hidden wild side before

I remember this guy on the forums who made a post about being raped by the shy quiet girl who used sleeping pills on him. Apparently it turned out good in the end and they got together.

that hasn't happened to me yet, however I could top that by explaining on how I woke up next to a beautiful woman. (boils down to I talk in my sleep)

oh, and I'm done with hf, getting true end, and the rest of the tiger dojo's

*ninja edit*

found this on the MM forums, I just about fell off my chair laughing

Imagine Chuck Norris as Berserker wielding Vin Diesel and Mister T as his Noble Phantasm's

As someone once asked.....

"Where's the grip"

And as I answered before, the Legs

I am the boner of my sword lol.

No it's more like I am the bone of my shorts.
Arizth wrote...

Damnit, I feel kinda bad being the seemingly only person not that excited for the Sakura arc.

Still, hopefully HF will change my relatively low opinion of her.

Nah u have another one. Me.
I`m just curios how she can beat Gilgamesh
WTF so Gilgamesh died in a flash because he let down his guard. From all reason of his defeat. This is the most ridiculous one. I know its not fresh to use the same last boss. But I`d rather she summon Saber and Berserker and fight for a little longer. But.... Oh well I think I just have to wait for the tsukihime remake to made up for this.
Heaven's feel is quite good, but for me it haven't the same emotional impact that UBW works had on me. Rider and Sakura are my favorite characters but Ilya's past and final scene in UBW got me on the verge of tears. In Heaven's feel I felt like beating the crap out of Shirou for being so stupid, Sakura also deserved some smacks as well. Anyway I got the true ending, now I have to get the normal endings for all the other scenarios and maybe get every taiga dojo.
I will christen my first post with the gratitude I feel for the release of the Heaven's Feel translation for without Fakku I would not even know about. Words do not express the amount of sheer happiness I'm feeling for the limited amount of computer time college allows shall not go to waste with me trying to finish the last arc.

At least until I buy a Jap PS2. Then its Melty Blood and Fate Unlimited Codes all the way.
Definitely the best FSN route between the 3 routes.

Thanks to:

TYPEMOON - For creating this awesome game
MIRRORMOON - For translating this awesome game very clearly
FAKKU - For updating and supporting this awesome game

and moreover from here, i started to play Tsukihime and going to try Melty Blood.
Caladchan wrote...
Definitely the best FSN route between the 3 routes.

Thanks to:

TYPEMOON - For creating this awesome game
MIRRORMOON - For translating this awesome game very clearly
FAKKU - For updating and supporting this awesome game

and moreover from here, i started to play Tsukihime and going to try Melty Blood.

You'll love to play Tsukihime. More Heroines and routes and of course it's Nasu-verse quality so you know it's really good. Although when you play, try playing in this order:
Arcuied, Ciel, Akiha, Hisui, Kohaku.

If you don't follow this route, you'll end up spoiling some parts of the other routes before you get a chance to finish. And beware of the NO AUTO READ FUNCTION! OH NOES!

And Melty Blood is great if you like to have a fighting arcade with a storyline that you can freely choose your ending with depending on you actually finish your fights.

So yeah, also try watching Kara no Kyoukai (or even reading the original light novels for fun) since that's also really good. KnK is the prototype before Tsukihime was published.

I know this is before they actually announced an official date for the remake of the Tsukihime visual novel game but...


Heaven's Feel has just easily become my favorite arc of the game. : O

I PURPOSELY chose the paths which Shirou would most likely be killed. He dies alot in this arc, doesn't he? And i found 85% of those deaths comical. Well, more Taiga Dojo for me. Now to have a 100% completion...
do tis game need CD? i download it bt it said need CD plls help
Look what i found. If you know the chant of Unlimited Blade Works and for those that don't it's this:

"I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to death.
Nor known to life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.
Yet, those hands will never hold anything.
So as I pray, "Unlimited Blade Works."

Soooo here i present you something most of as are chanting

I'm the leg of my boot.
Ctrl+C is my body and
Ctrl+V is my blood.
I have violated over
a thousand copyrights.
Unknown to decency.
Nor known to shame.
Have withstood lawsuits
to steal many weapons.
Yet, these hands will
never pay for anything.
So as i pirate...
Finally it's here.. Im so excited!
Finished it... definitely worthy of the expectations placed on the concluding route of f/sn. Shirou is gar...
I want to play the game, where can i get it?
I finishd Heavens Feel 2 days ago.....

Heavens Feel is my favorite route and I like Sakura more then Saber and Rin.

The normal end of Heavens Feel (Cherry Blossoms' Dream) is the sadest ending that I have ever seen.
Based on the name of the einding I was expecting a happy end.....

But it really is sad what happend in the past to Sakura.

Fate/Stay Night is the best novel game ever.
I dont like reading but with Fate/Stay Night I ended up 13 hours of reading on a day XD
And the on the day that I finishd the game I was reading it like 16 hours hahahahaha XD

I still want more of Fate/Stay Night, I hope Fate/Hollow Ataraxia wil get translated soon.

I wish there was a machine that makes you forget stuff, so that I could play/read Fate/Stay Night again
installing the patch, cant wait to play the game. Im wanted to play this game damn long ago, now finally it here >.<".

Thank mirror moon for the translate.
Thank for the news, if not i really do not know it is finish translate.
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