I Like You~

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I do tend to like things as well. =D

If anyone wants a link for the manga here it is: https://www.fakku.net/viewmanga.php?id=6342
Albireo wrote...
AdamtheGrim wrote...
Beautiful stuff Jacob, beautiful stuff..

BTW, what is the manga in that picture of those comments?

I believe it is Home Mate 2 by Homunculus. :)

On-topic: I like this new ranking system except for the fact that you can like your own comment. xD


Yeah, people can abuse it easily...
This new feature is also good for socking it to the people that spam by saying first comment, and makes me lol seeing how much they've been minus-ed. Hopefully this will help them stop making such waste-of-space in the future.
Some of the systems ive seen like this will hide the comment if it gets enough down votes. maybe that same idea could be used as a way to flag spammers. like if a comment gets 20 neg votes, it is automaticly reported to the admins also or instead.
nice i like this .. :D
Disgusting wrote...
Awyeah, another way to increase our epeens!

I'm rather content with the fact I'll have even more reason to be witty and awesome...or at least try and fail. I might come to find out I'm retarded and my votes will stay in the negatives. Hahaha.

Other than that I can see this being useful for avoiding Trap and Yaoi reads that I always seem to click on. Now, I can be lazy and avoid seeing two men duke it out with their wangs on my computer screen.

It's a win-win update!

I like the new system(I post randomly in the forums. I should do it more often), especially since my comment has front page :D
oh I thought that was to move comments up and down the page, and that it didn't work XD.
Aww sick. Thanks jacob and we like you too~
Awesome as always.
This is dumb. Just wait you'll see people writing "Like if XXXXXXX" or "If i get xxx like's i'll XXXXXXX".
Needs a way to conect the number to the comment on the profile page. like the part that shows what posts the last five rep was for. i have no clue what comments got up/down votes, or even what manga they are for. if i'm getting the ass kissing/kicking, i'd at least like to know what for.
I like the new comment, liking thing. Seems good for comment feedback and stuff
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