If It Ain't Broke, Fix It.

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That's how the saying goes right?

Because if you login to your account on FAKKU you will see the new and almost finished, view manga page. Just go to any view manga page to see the changes, here is a direct link: https://www.fakku.net/viewmanga.php?id=4196

Use this topic to give me some feedback on the design, suggest some changes, hate on it, love on it, whatever you want.
Looks like hanging for me ... the previous one looks better .. (comment bar)

but for option "Manga Info" "Download Link " etc etc ..
i prefer it ...

just need some adjustment ... and good luck
I like it, it seems a lot easier on the eyes. The 'Leave a Comment' box could use some definition, maybe a small outline or something. I'm in a love/hate relationship with the re-sizeable box though. It seems like a good idea, but it just looks funky when its so small. So maybe have it start out a little bigger vertically, and go all the way to the border horizontally.

(And yes I realize its under construction and that might be what you planned to do all along anyway. w/e)
its new and shiny!
I like it, but the borders for Manga Information, View Online, etc., don't look quite right.

I really like where it's going though. Pure genius, as usual.
Looks good to me, but the boarder around manga information, related info ect. seems kinda strange on the left hand side of the option that is selected.
The Manga is really good.
Old and busted or new hotness?

I choose you! New hotness! Looks great Jacob keep up the good work man.
The dl from fakku doesn't work for me. Don't know if its only me though. New layout looks nice, a little too angular for me tho :3

(words to meet posty)
Here's a small suggestion that might help further organize Fakku's gigantic collection:

Take for example, this entry (Tayu Tayu Chapter 1 by Yamatogawa-sensei). It's pretty obvious that it forms part of a whole book, the Tayu Tayu tankōbon. You could add another link (besides View Online/Download/etc.) that would go something like "View Parent Book". This way, if there was another list of tankōbon entries besides the individual chapter/manga entries, and said individual chapter/manga entries could be associated to said tankōbon entries, it'd be a HUGE step in further organizing the collection of entries. It's basically the behavior of the "parent entry" label in -booru imageboards. There could be a new viewer page (like viewgroup.php or viewbook.php or whatever) that, when given a group/book ID, would load all the individual chapters that belong to said group/book, so people that want to get all the chapters in any given single book can do so more easily. ^^

<technobabble> And unless my DBA skills are rusting, it'd only require one additional table for the Group entries, and one additional field in the Manga entries table (assuming you have a single table for that xD) referencing the ID of the group each belongs to. =p </technobabble>
I think you should design the comment bar the same way as the Quick reply bar. Apart from that it looks smooth
Yea, "fix" something that isn't broken as you've mentioned, instead of doing something that could have been really useful to the website...like oh...I dunno...A TAG SYSTEM?

You know, the tag system you said you were going to implement "soon" on February? https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=35167

You want feedback? Here it is: not Go do something that's in this list instead of doing something that wasn't even necessary to begin with.
well the new one's acceptable but makes the page a little old.
The style is good..
but the old one is better cuz of the TAB | Downloads..Favorites..
The icons are better if u put it :)
Please change the manga!
(To Dr.P?)
Too much white space.
it feels kinda weird just to see the comment bar float but other then tht i like it :D
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Don't like the floating comment bar, but overall I like how it's simple and clean.
I agree, it looks better. I like simple.
Keep up the good work.
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