It's Nice to be Back + Project Eternal.

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I doubt many of you noticed, but I had one hell of a event-heavy week (and still have lots to go) and thus was away for a bit. This past week has left me extremely deprived of sleep, and honestly, when you've been rehearsing on stage for 11 hours every day along with a disrupted meal cycle, things suck. But all is worth it on show nights, and we totally blew the roof on opening night. In other words, I'm enjoying the heck out of myself.

I'm still as busy as blue balls right now, but I'll spare a bit of time to get a new [color=darkred]FAKKU[/color] release out to you guys.

Anyway, here we go! This is the Kenichi doujin that I put a sneak preview up for months ago. For our twentieth release, FAKKU-Subs presents: Miumiu!

Forum Image: Image:

This doujin took so long to do. It's not that it was difficult to do or anything, but we got held up at various stages, redid entire stages, people busy, etc. Which is why it's a big relief for the team that this one is finally over and done with. We may or may not release a Spanish and/or German version in the future, depending on how time and resources go.

Again, the usual: leave your appreciation. The more awesome we feel, the more motivated we become, and the quicker we release things. And trust me, you'll want that; I'd say that among the doujins we're working on right now, one of them is among the best I've ever seen.

Thanks go to:
Ershin, f0dd3r, Nekojin, Nikon, and Hibia (for the German version which may or may not be released).

You can download and discuss the release here.

Normally I'd throw up a number of other stuff too, but call time is in an hour, and I need to get some studying done. Maybe later.
I know that feeling. It fucked my week before spring break, but the shows were good.

Ganbaru ze! -Awaits Release-
Let me take a gander. You were the lead role as Hamlet for your school's acting club. And the fan girls were all over you.
Welcome back i cant wait for your newest release!
Raze wrote...

I'm still as busy as blue balls right now, but I'll spare a bit of time to get a new [color=darkred]FAKKU[/color] release out to you guys. Keep checking this space!

You'd think blue balls wouldn't be very busy, else they wouldn't be blue balls, they'd be happy ones ;P Or maybe your just raring to go but haven't had the chance to yet...*cough* Anyway, get everything done, no pressure :twisted: just don't forget everyone!
That post above was me >_> apparently wasn't logged in -_-
Tell me about it mate! I've been doing 11 hour days all this week as well, and next week is no different. But then again I work Sony Computer Entertainment so the job satisfaction is always there :)
Whoa man, be careful we don't want you going to the hospital now, lol.
By the way what play are you doing? and don't worry take your time on the release man i think a lot of us will be busy checking on those new season shows coming up.
Be sure to take it easy once in a while, Raze!
Awesome guys. Thanks a lot. You think that a girl that wears a skin tight body suit would be a prime candidate for doujinshi (along with a large chest). Oh well.

Thank you very much guys. Keep up the good work, it is greatly appreciated and I look forward to your updates!
i was very excited to see this out. was waiting for it for quite some time. thanks for the hard work.
Hey guys, thanks for everything u guys do. All appreciated, all very high quality, keep up the great work. I hope you do well at your performance or whatever it is (i can't say for sure what it is, but im guessing it is important enough to eat away ur life/sleep).
Society needs people like you!
Raze - just finished reading Miumiu - and left a comment underneath . As I said there - Kudos to you and the team - I took care to make a special note of the work that fOdd3r did. I have been rating a number of issues since Wolf road and Spice Merchant - but this is the first that I have given my maximum of 5 Faps out of 5 .

Now that you folks have hit your stride - I am looking forward with great anticipation to the next one that you tackle . GO TEAM .

:D :D :D
It's kinda funny cause when i first found this doujin the first thought that came to my mind was that it really needed to be translated and lo and behold it is done. What I wasn't expecting was an awesome quality translation from you guys, (and by that I mean that I wasn't expecting you guys to translate this, your guy's stuff is always awesome) I love HGDK and I love this doujin, and I definitely love you guys~ :wink:
Job well done! You all deserve a good weekend rest~
thanks for the release
dam this was great.. :oops:
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