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What does MoteMote translate to?
Excellent, I watched the first battle but never participated. I'm looking forward to this.

@SiC: You are not alone, I'm excited about the old school bracket as well.
winter55 wrote...
Is this some kind of popularity contest among anime? If it is I'll join :D

In short its a quest for the most *bangable* *girl*

Most hugable girl and the most bangable boy should go to another contest.

WhiteRabbit wrote...
let's hope it doesn't become a flame war again like last time.

And I hope the flames speed up global warming and trigger the second coming of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Has long as we don't descend into ad-hominem or endless discussion about how everything someone said is pure personal opinion, I say its fine.

yanger wrote...
W00t! Motemote was the reason I even found out about this place :D

Ditto and we are not the only ones.

OK PEOPLE lets make a rule, if people post and all they said amounts to:

boring_looser wrote...
1 more vote to Sabeharukarerin! way too hot!

You get punnished, some how. Maybe dropping the post and getting a notice will suffice.

Yes I know, fat chance.
Cool! looks like fun. I'll have to check this out. :D
Lol, hope I do a lot better than last time xD...
hadnochoice wrote...
OK PEOPLE lets make a rule, if people post and all they said amounts to:

boring_looser wrote...
1 more vote to Sabeharukarerin! way too hot!

You get punnished, some how. Maybe dropping the post and getting a notice will suffice.

Yes I know, fat chance.

Why should that sort of thing be punished? People are just saying who they voted for, and every vote doesn't deserve a long explanation as to why the person voted for that girl. Besides, not every decision would have a long explanation. Sometimes, it's as simple as "I like her," and you can't really improve on that.
this is going to be fun!
Yay, MoteMote FTW! Go Tessa again! Though i still wonder what will be classified as "old" and what as "new" I mean 2000+ new? or maybe 1990+ new?
gonna do my best :D
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Why should that sort of thing be punished?

Because it's tedious, it's SPAM, it's boring, your vote already states your support. It just done to appear in the thread but then do nothing with the spotlight.

Yeah I know respect everyones opinions etc, still meh
Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
Now...come to think of it, The reason I joined this forum for the first time is to Vote for Tessa in Mote2 Battle back then....

Wow... that is fantastic. And I thought I was the only one who did that XD

I have to say I'm a little more excited about the "new school" bracket, so long as it's kept very new school - there's some class A ladies who've shown up recently, and I'd like to see how they all match up ;)
oh nice i only participated in this mote mote battle cant wait for this one ^^
Exllent as always ^>.<^
I've been lurking here for a while now.
So what am I suppose to do join this competition?
Does just being a member qualifies me?
Weee motemote rulz lol. But how to register to motemote? Or its just enought to be fakku member? I don't know rules because i missed first competition but if i remember right Kallen was the winner!!! :D
Congrats. U managed to convert a lurker. It was a last minute decision, but I cannot let Tessa win again.
can someone tell me what happened in MOTEMOTE one cause i did not see Haruhi Im kinda scared whe got disqualified so someone direct me to MOTE MOTE one please?
mwong04 wrote...
can someone tell me what happened in MOTEMOTE one cause i did not see Haruhi Im kinda scared whe got disqualified so someone direct me to MOTE MOTE one please?
Kozuki Kallen won the first Motemote battle.

To others: Either look at the front news page, previous topics, or stop being lazy. Yes, registering an account means being a member of FAKKU, that's all. Filling out the brackets comes later. You can only vote if you're a user member anyways.

*vents steam dues to noobs*
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