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Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I know, I know. It's becoming exceedingly difficult to find time lately. Most of the time I spend my time working and sleeping, and taking care of personal stuff on my day off every week. That's pretty much all that's been going on for me the last five months or so. It's pretty weak, but ya gotta pay the bills m i rite?

I feel like I've lost contact with you all, especially my IRC pals (even you, Rai). A year and a half ago we were a small, tightly-knit community and now there are over 35,000 registered users. And that's not even counting the ones that aren't. It's hard to believe how much this site has grown since I've joined up, and so much more lately without me. It is nice, however, when I do have a free afternoon, to do things like these. As many of you long-time users know, I've always liked to focus my work on other parts of the site (such as FAKKU-Subs) and I feel pretty lame when I realize how long it's been since my last update. So here's a good one for you guys and gals.

Speaking of FAKKU-Subs, we're still on a short end-of-semester break. Many people on the team are university students and the like, so it's important for them (and you!) to make sure things like that are wrapped up in proper order before focusing efforts on porno. Rest assured, we are coming back soon enough with enough fap material to choke a tauntaun.

I think I've said enough for now. So without and further ado, I'll leave you with your all-English update. I included Libido in the Beaker in separate chapters, and some other ones from some good series. As usual, props to all the scanlation teams that translate your fap material. Have fun!

PS - Prime Number!

Edit by Raze: Good to see you around again buddy. And, too bad, but I'll have to add one more doujin to non-prime the total. XD I know this one's already everywhere on the net, but [color=darkred]FAKKU[/color] obviously can't miss out.

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18 (sorry! >_<) New Releases

[spacer=4][color=darkred]Hakoiri 03[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Sailor Panic[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Shining Musume 05[/color] contains Shining Musume Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Shining Musume 06[/color] contains Shining Musume Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]A Maiden's Heart and a Blue Summer Sky[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Strange Kind of Women[/color] contains Strange Kind of Woman Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Feeler[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Vandread[/color] contains Vandread Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Go With the Accident Flow[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Double-Dealer Rule Book[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Club Activities[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Libido in the Beaker[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Occupied[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Ice World[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Peculiar Possession[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]The Two-Timer[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Taboo Word[/color] contains Libido in the Beaker Hentai [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Wisteria[/color] contains Clannad Hentai

Congratulations about finding the time to make an update.

Some of the FAKKU-Subs members are still recovering from jet-lag before work tomorrow. ;P
all i got to say is great fucking job!!! and wheres the leftover cake?
This is a wonderful update, Thanks very much.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Thanks, for the update, especially Strange Kind of Woman.

We never thought we lost contact with you :D . I know the feelings of a busy man, but pursue your dreams first then Fakku Update. You can't Update if you don't have money to pay the bills.

More Money = More Update

Thanks for being a GREAT ADMIN!
I haven't seen an update from you from a long time. welcome back.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
props on the update; you have mad porn dedication skills.
Wow, absolutely epic win. Best update in a long while... Worth the wait.
Hooray !

Thanks Nikon !
[color=#000066]awesome update! thank you nikon for making fakku a better place to live.. :roll: [/color]
I hope you find time to take it easy once in a while Nikon! Thanks for the update and I look forward to more stuff from you and the rest of the Fakku-Subs team!
Wow good job on the epic post
Wow nice job. Thx
You guys are gods. Thanks for all the fap material.
Thanks Nikon, awesome to see you found some time to make an update.
All of us have our own respective lives to lead. I believe hentai is not on the top of the priority list for most of us and no one should blame anyone else for not coming up with updates.

Thanks for the huge upload Nikon!
who da man? Nikon da man! :o

thanks man, h-manga of my favorite kind! translated shorts!
I'm overwhelmed...
Always enjoy Nikon's updates, as they stacked with english stuff.
Thanks for the update.
thank you for all the hard work you do! Must be tiring to handle the site and stuff irl. Thank you!
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