[Locked] WHAT DOES I DO!?

Waar FAKKU Moderator
Tell her how you are a Nigerian Prince who needs to get his money out of the country.
I know some guys here who does that for a living (IP check me to know my country, wouldn't post for racism issues lol)

Oh, and what do we do with mails like that? Be interested, but don't send her anything. Simple.
astarothe wrote...
I don't know if this helps, but the addresses on yahoo accounts can't have spaces in them last i knew. So for one, it's probably a scam. Secondly, I don't trust anything that's engrish in such a way as this one. So, check and see if the message has any other addresses it was sent to. If you find anything weird, just spam evil comments!

Underscore not space it looks like that since it's underlined
E-mail her asking for her photo
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/13616-0HNIE9Y.jpg
Jacob wrote...


HAHAHAHAHAHA, nice one! :D I can't stop laughing at the amount of people who thought this was legit.
Tell her you are a Nigerian prince and you are in need of women and some help.
TheDarkStarAlchemist Requests Moderator
MidgarKonotsu wrote...
Email her back posing as Nigerian royalty.

Lol@the amount of broken sarcasm detectors in here.
astarothe wrote...
I don't know if this helps, but the addresses on yahoo accounts can't have spaces in them last i knew.

the whole address is underlined my good friend. I'm sure there is an underscore there somewhere =D

[size=5]correct me if im wrong, i don't use yahoo [/h]

edit: but that doesn't excuse the fact that this is 100% spam :lol:
Well now we know why there are so many of these scams and spams of shit like that. Some people will actually fall for it. The internet is a dangerous place for people who can't tell traps.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/13618-EY01Q9M.jpg
Tell her that you are a level 37 Paladin that loves to mine, fish and take long strolls through an instance.

If that doesn't work, ask her how much she loves mudkips and keep ranting about them.
jacob dude i would so hit that. locky u, any way tell her that her name is pretty.
What do you have to lose besides a credit card number?
anyone could sent you a girl picture. tell her about fakku and see what "she" says.

do a barrel roll

Send her a pic of Wilfred Bramble from Steptoe & Son! She'll really want some gooood lovin' then. (Compliment "her" on her AWESOME English skills too, Women like compliments) ^_^
[/u]Identity theft[u] comes to mind here dude...
animeholic1 wrote...
Well now we know why there are so many of these scams and spams of shit like hat. Some people will actually fall for it. The internet is a dangerous place for people who can't tell traps.

And it's not some, it's LOTS. Like half the people here couldn't even smell the sarcasm in Jacob's post.
well actualy i have [color=red]tons[/color] of similar mails :/
:evil: ugh can`t help my brains melting :(