How many of these FAKKU games run on Linux

Just as the title implies.

I did a search for Linux, and HunnyPop was the only one that came up.

I already have that one on Steam and GoG, so just wondering if these are mostly Windows-only games.

Thanks in advance for your help.
There are plenty of free renpy H games like Akabur's that will run natively on Linux. Almost all of Fakku games will require WINE or Proton to run.

These are my notes on getting HoneySelect up and running.

Debian WINE!tBcGWQzC!MNfuQUmYYiVXba6QXPzhuW31Bfq66d_kpKtKP5RslAc
Be sure to start wine from the game directory otherwise the mods don't work properly.

There are still some issues with 4k diffuse pack which should hopefully be fixed if you install the driver versions listed here.

I can now confirm the 4k diffuse pack works with the newer drivers.
Honey select will run "flawless" (there are some bugs that are also present on Windows) on a recent version of wine with dxvk and corefonts installed. Just note that the launcher will not work: Set the resoultion and quality setting (0, 1 or 2) in the UserData/Setup.xml. After that start the Honey Select Unlimited_64.exe directly.

To change the screen used in a multi monitor setup, start the game in window mode and use your windows manager to fullscreen it (in kde right klick on the title bar->additional actions->fullscreen.

But i only modded mine sligtly, nothing that requires ipa so far.

Overall, the games here have no drm and no cheat protection, which is very good for wine support. Only thing that can block you is if the game is using .net in some kind of form (that's why the hs launcher does not work).