[Sakuraprin] Abaddon: Princess of the Decay

YQII FAKKU Translator

Abaddon was a very well-received and popular eroge developed by the doujin group Sakuraprin. It's a retro horror RPG that's a huge love letter to Capcom's Famicom game called "Sweet Home". For the unfamiliar, Sweet Home was kind of like prototype Resident Evil featuring a haunted mansion that you explored. The only difference is this game has porn.

But really, this game has a pretty involved story than it might initially let on. The basic synopsis is simple: the protagonist's father, Yamanobe, is a college professor who goes to explore his friend's old abandoned mansion. Yamanobe never returns though, so the protagonist, Homura, heads to the mansion with some friends to search for his father. Obviously there's much more to it than that, but you'll have to play the game to find out!

Gameplay-wise, you choose two characters as your partners at the start of the game. Each character has their own unique strengths/weaknesses. The RPG elements are fairly standard for the genre, including equipment, items, basic stats, leveling, and different types of enemies. There is, however, one exception: the "Fear Factor" system. A "Fear" bar replaces your typical HP bar in this game. You or your party members will go berserk once their Fear Factor bar is completely filled. This berserk effect will wear off after battle, but this causes permanent psychological damage to each character. This permanent psychological damage will affect character interactions and the types of scenes you'll see as well. Party members will permanently die if they go berserk a total of three times.

ax-a_g1-9.png ax-a_g1-4.jpg

It also has typical adventure game elements with exploration and searching for items to progress.

ax-a_g1-5.png ax-a_g1-6.png

Abaddon has a number of different endings and different scenes that are all influenced by the Fear Factor system and choices made throughout the game.

We're working very closely with Sakuraprin and also using the latest version of the game for the localization. Obviously the localization is still ongoing so we don't have any English screenshots to share yet unfortunately.

There are tons of h-scenes in the game, and lots of variety in them—this includes boys love (yaoi) and yuri. Basically, if you can imagine a pairing, it probably exists in this game. In addition to all of the above, every uncensored CG has a corresponding uncensored pixel art variant!

ax-a_g1-7a.jpg ax-a_g1-7.png
Example of the art with the old censorship

Sakuraprin re-did every censored CG from scratch so that we can release the game uncensored in the west!

ax-a_g1-1.jpg ax-a_g1-2.jpg

We hope you're looking forward to this new take on a modern classic, currently scheduled to be released in 2020.

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Why does my pee pee hurt, mommy? Looks exciting.
I'm looking forward to playing this!
I've been wanting to play this for a while, very nice pickup!
I've played this game when it first came out on dlsite and was super impressed. It's definitely earned its spot as a top seller for the months it lasted on the rankings.

The way the story/puzzles changed based on which characters you picked was an amazing touch.

Will you be releasing the bonus content that adds the extra joke route?
Zerreth wrote...
I've played this game when it first came out on dlsite and was super impressed. It's definitely earned its spot as a top seller for the months it lasted on the rankings.

The way the story/puzzles changed based on which characters you picked was an amazing touch.

Will you be releasing the bonus content that adds the extra joke route?

If you mean the content that was added with later version updates then yes, we're doing all of that.

Glad you enjoyed the game too! It was something I personally wanted to see localized for a while and we're all pretty excited about finally having the opportunity to.
This game is one of my favorite RPGs, my favorite Hentai game, and Sakuraprin is my favorite hentai developer.
I'm pretty happy for this localization and will surelly buy this game.
blackswordsman Eternal Struggler
I'd be down for this game.
I'm sorry; everyone's long overdue for an update. A lot of behind-the-scenes work has been done since the announcement, but the focus on our end has mainly been on Chii-chan's release and the upcoming afterstory release. Abaddon is our top priority as soon as that's done, which should be very soon.

Thanks for all your patience.
If it's forbidden to do it here, please notify me!
The sakuraprin group is also trying to make a series of h-anime, and at first seems that the episodes will have great quality!
This series are planned to have 6 episodes, but the remaining episodes will only lauch if the episodes be sucessful in sales!
Let's support the creator!
https://www .dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/ product_id/RJ275521.html

I am a super big fan of this game!! I just created my account to be able to express my support!

I bought this game when it was released in Japanese just to support the devs. I remember pushing for its translation on 4chan's /jp/ and a couple of translators offering to work on it. Unfortunately, both translators eventually dropped the project arguing that it was super difficult to work on the text due to the contraints of the interface (one of them managed to hack the 'Sweet Home' NES game font on it and it looked amazing).

I just discovered today that this game is being released and that it is your top priority!! I can't believe I missed this since I gave up on checking on this game long ago. I'm so happy! I can't believe that there is not more fanfare around the project since it catered to a HUGE specter of the market with its horror, wonderful switchable retro PC-98 aesthetics, amazing art and LGTBQ inclusion.

I am sure that it going to be a smashing success!!!

Are there any updates on the translation/release date?

I want to support you and Sakuraprin.

Thank you so much for choosing this project!!
Hey i watched the first h-anime episode 1 and noticed there was a game it was based on and i am very glad that it comes out with English text this year.
Reading the details on the game made me want to try it out alot more seems very exciting, i especially love that the fear meter changes the scenes and ending same with whoever you pick with you also changes the things that happens in the story and ending.
So yea looking forward to this i hope it will be a huge success
I noticed that Chii-chan's afterstory has been released! Congratulations! Is there any progress on this project? 😊

Will the pre-order open soon?
Hi! Any updates for this game? Can't wait!!
There seems to be a sequel in the works.

Abaddon School -The END is Near-
It's a sequel set in a school environment which becomes a hell after an eclipse. Exact same gameplay and artstyle. However, Sakura Prin intends to make this one All Ages, so no R18 stuff (big letdown).

Art for the main characters (same):

Secondary characters (New):
Hi FAKKU Team. How is it progressing? Why is not there any other new post yet about this game development since the announcement date? Looking forward to hearing from you.
good game. Looking forward to it.
looks interesting
heho lets go!