Do you prefer hentai or "real people porn?"

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i like both, love hentai though
anything that gets to me is good enough. dont bitch, porn is porn. no matter what it is.
I like hentai more because when I'm in the mood for something specific at the time it's usally more available as hentai that normal porn and the stories can make me give a shit about who is fucking in hentai.
hentai manga > hentai anime >= real porn

any are fine but that's my preference.

hentai manga: like people said before me, more variety, stories, almost anything is possible, and artwork has idealistic and awesome proportions.

hentai anime: i'm ok with this but i do agree that the squealing gets a little annoying at times. whether characters are being raped or just having consensual sex, they're both screaming. Also animation more often than not just can't compete to the quality of well drawn manga (with exceptions of course, there are really good hentai anime out there)

real porn: ok to get your fap on every now and then, but fake repetitive moaning becomes a turn off. ugly guys that should have no business having sex are having sex.

Mostly everyone has covered this, but in the end, it's all fapping material for me. some manga are fun to read though i'll admit
hentai for the most part 3d hentai and 3d western comics work for me aswell
I prefer hentai over real porn because its seems more sexier than a real porno
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