Doujins Black & White or FullColor

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Doujins Black & White or FullColor

Total Votes : 141
Black and white....
Full color is nice (when the coloring isn't crappy), but I became used to black and white. So, Black & White.
HentaiElder wrote...
Full color is nice (when the coloring isn't crappy), but I became used to black and white. So, Black & White.

yeah so used to black and white, hate it when they mess up on coloring
if i want color i watch hentai
I'd perfer Black and white over color (Color is nice but like HentaiElder said, as long as it's not crappy coloring.).
There are only 2 exceptions on my hard drive that are full colored:

Nise Midi Doronokai. His artwork is epic. Period. There is no opinion, his stuff is epic. Just look at this cover:
Forum Image:

And the other exception are the "costume parfait" doujins involving Kyou from Clannad. I <3 Kyou ^_^

Rest of the time, I'm fapping to black and white stuff. In any case though, both have shown tremendous amounts of improvement in artwork and detail over the years, and it just keeps getting better and better. ^_^
Black and White is perfectly fine for me..
that is all i need...
I chose colored, but it really doesn’t matter to me and I was wondering why that wasn't an option, because I don't care as long as the art and coloring are good.
Black and white.
The full color ones are only like 14 pages or less they seem to rush the story so they have less pages to color.
I like my stories to have some sort of plot developement.
I prefer black and white because it just looks alot better, but on occasion I don't mind if it's in color.
Black /ampersand/ White

There will always be exceptions.

If there were more colored I'd vote for that because it looks like there's more effort in it. I may be wrong. Something about the black /ampersand/ white tones that artists use give more emphasis to a scene. Color sometimes ruins the art. With black /ampersand/ white, you can use your imagination to determine color. I don't no if ya'll like that but I know I do but the image is more complete if you've seen the colors of a character bofore.
I'll have to go with Black and White. Since most of my doujins are in this category.

Though there are some great Full Colored ones.
doesn't matter as long as i can read clearly...but i prefer black and white...
By doujin, I assume you're referring specifically unofficial vg/anime/manga stories... and some of the best of those I've seen are full color, so I went with that.

However, my favorite hentai is usually black and white. I prefer longer stories to oneshots, and don't think I've ever seen hentai manga more than one chapter long in full color. Feel free to correct me though... in fact, please prove me wrong. :)
I love to get them in fullcolor whenever possible. It boosts its fappability.
I would have to say black and white. There is something about that it's like it leaves some things up to my imagination. That makes it more fappable.
Definitely black and white. I don't know why, but depending on the series, full color can be a serious turn-off. No idea.
I choose full color for more pleasure, but I find mostly my doujin collection is in black&white. In truth as long as the art is decent and good, colored or not is no problem for me.
Oddly enough you'd think that being in colour would be better but no... I hate coloured ones!

Black and White everytime. :D
actually it would depend on the story and how it's drawn but i favor full color it's a bit easier to understand ^_^
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