I finally finished it.

I finally beat Dangan Ronpa for the first time (3rd time reading the game, first two times were the fan translation). I noticed many more things that I didn't notice before:

  • How whipped Makoto was to Kirigiri

  • That Junko attacked Makoto twice, not once.

  • That the one who took Alter Ego was Celeste not Sakura or the Mastermind.

  • How Kirigiri is a bit of a "Mary Sue"

  • How Makoto had on-off intelligence and how much he needs Kirigiri needs to save his as to show how Kirigiri is the best

  • How much of opposites Junko and Makoto are in every sense

The game had a "decent" dub. Sakura was hit or miss with me and I hated Monokuma's voice. Everyone else was decent or above average. But I heard Dangan Ronpa 2: Goodbye Despair's dub and it's pretty good much better than the first game. Yeah it was a fun experience and I'm glad I read it again,

Best Girl (Still):

Forum Image: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/085/d/6/danganronpa___junko_enoshima_render__png__by_orihimeyuuka-d7boibs.png