Old cat still talks in 3rd person and ERPs. AMA

Hatsun is too old. Being in fakku for a long time. She still talks in 3rd person due to doing it for years, and still ERPs on a somewhat regular basis.
Although as of late there has been a lack of partners due to the obvious horny kids. Ask this old cat anything!!

Forum Image: https://images2.imgbox.com/89/74/UIUIatCL_o.jpg
Is there anything in particular you've grown to enjoy more as you've gotten older?
DontForgetTheTime wrote...
Is there anything in particular you've grown to enjoy more as you've gotten older?

I use to enjoy playing a ton of MMORPG games, and social games like VRChat.
But it gets boring after a while and the people seem to get too dramatic, or into their RP characters that it just makes me feel uncomfortable.