Random Coincidences

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Tanasinn wrote...
Another friend has asked on a few occasions why I never bring my own lunch into work. I tell that person that its because people tend to eat other peoples lunches. Both times they told me something along the lines of giving others the benefit of the doubt. I ignore this saying that the benefit of the doubt is what gets people into trouble.

People who steal from other people's lunchboxes are the worst kind of assholes.
When I woke up this morning I realized I wasn't sleeping anymore.
erhm... realized i have the same b-day as Yuuki from Mirai Nikki... and my gf has same b-day as Yunl... imma go jide somwhere without any sharp objects...
I once took a hit of acid (accidentally mind you, didn't know that i took it. stuff was in a visine bottle), and it took me the whole fucking day to get home. I just kept getting on different bus routes with the logic that the next one will take me home. And then i teleported from the back of the bus to the front of the bus.
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