Where do you hide your hentai manga & doujinshi & stuff

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I have a safe in my room that I hide my porn in (in addition to my other valuable stuff)
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
They "hide" in my bookshelf.
JuicyPorkChops Hentai Senpai
In a shoe box under my bed. It's all good though since it's hidden behind shoe boxes with actual shoes in them, my dumbbells, and more false shoe boxes.
i dont hide, i just locked it with a password... >.
In my locked drawer
I feel like I need a new hiding spot. I used to keep them in the bottom shelf of a locked cabinet. However, family came to visit recently, and asked about, "Why is this cabinet locked?" I panicked and said I don't know why, and the key went missing. So now I'm sitting here super paranoid trying to find a new spot.
All my adult material is stored in containers in my bedroom. They are "hidden" simply because adult material offends some of my roommates, not because I am embarassed. The storage containers also protect my adult materials from damage.
I have no physical things to hide. However I stash my files in the deepest darkest part of the computer, with several passwords to open it.
I put mine with my manga and anime in a .50 cal ammo box. Thing holds a lot and it all at the bottom. No one messes with it so meh.
Why hide your healthy sexual outlets? My porn dvds are with the normal ones and porn books with normal books.
Why hide it?

I put my collection in its own bookshelf for all to see, be proud!
I don't. And for some weird cosmic reason, they don't find it.
I dunno man I just hide them in beetween the not lewd mangas like I hid darling in the franxxx next too a love manga so that it looks like its a love novel but im still afraid that one day theyll ketch me look at the erotic art in there
I have a book shelf in my living room, I keep them displayed on the top shelf and the rest is devoted to Manga. Sometimes the best way is in plain sight.
just throw it in the bookshelf with the regular books
on my bookshelf with all my other books.
I got 'em cus I like them, I'm not ashamed of that
They hide in plain sight with everything else.
In my office. All over the place. No where else in my house
I don't hide it hahahahahahahaha
my best friend is a huge privacy nut. He pretty much buys his stuff and send it to my house so he can pick it up since he lives with 7 other people and they go through his mail. not sure how the hell he hides it since he lives in a 4 bedroom house
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