Why are Vanilla fans so toxic?

So, a new ntr/cheating/ugly bastard hentai came out. It's called "Desired Relationship" and the Vanillas are furious. My question is...why do they read stuff they don't like? There is already a lot of vanilla content being released. Why do they need to feel obligated to read something they don't like?

You can't even argue about the tags because they were good to go. It had "cheating" and "ugly bastard" but it didn't have NTR...but does that even matter? The first two tags should have been more than enough context -_-
Old problem. The vanilla fags been bitching since we had unlicensed pron and jacob or the other groups upload some ntr, or Yaoi, or yuri, or traps or really anything not in the missionary position for the act of procreation.

Some great battles that been lost to age of time. *Tip a 40 to the dead oldfags of ib.
Because they're in the majority and they feel like they can shit on whatever they don't like. It really depends on if you have your echo chamber with you or not.
Like, say you only have a Switch and a good portion of the people you know only have a PS4 and are hardcore fans who make fun of you for sticking with Nintendo. Good luck convincing them that the Switch is good and worthwhile. But say you take one of those friends to a Smash tournament, well, they have no support anymore. They could try to make fun of the Switch but everyone would be like "Dude shut up."
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Oh, there are toxic people on both sides, there's a reason a warning thread was made about derailing announcement threads. Although of course the more mainstream side with more fans has also more of the bad ones, so yeah, it gets even worse when the vanilla side shows its darkness...
luinthoron wrote...
Oh, there are toxic people on both sides, there's a reason a warning thread was made about derailing announcement threads.

This is also a good point. I guess in those instances it's people lashing out and venting frustrations which is a little better than outright shitting on a chapter and saying things like it shouldn't exist, though. However, both are bad behaviors.
People will always bitch about stuff they don't like, I love Vanilla and Napata is what got me into this medium but I will never go out and say Screw you or call anyone a bunch of stuff over liking some other style of hentai. I personally don't like a lot of different styles of hentai but I am happy that people found something that brought them pleasure. ^_^
I say read the tags, and avoid it. I can understand why some NTR hentai are too much for regular readers. Not going to lie some NTR are better than others. That's why I call them NTR-Lite which aren't bad. Sounds stupid, but compare to Hard NTR there's a differences. Such as whether the partner gets screwed over more, and is not likable, thus deserves it, plus does it kill your boner for somewhat moral reason or you just don't care. Still both sides have their toxic fans spilling venom like vipers or something worse. I'm probably missing some other reasons. I'm not sure if it makes sense?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Welcome to mob mentality, I am, or rather wikipedia, is your guide.


As mentioned earlier Vanilla is the majority, so there's like-minded individuals concerning it. Those who like vanilla generally prefer sweet stories with a happy ending, so tags like NTR are shunned by them.

I used to dislike NTR for the same reason, but the stories and the art can be pretty good.
It would be better if you titled it "Why are some fans of X genre so toxic" :/. I don't like being grouped together with "hateful" people :(.

I think it's fine to give your input about a release aslong as you don't write something just to shit/hate on it. And I don't really care which sides does it more than the other, theyre all equally worthless to me.

So pls don't lump everyone together in one group because of a few shitheads, that goes for every genre out there :(.
Jokke09 wrote...
It would be better if you titled it "Why are some fans of X genre so toxic" :/. I don't like being grouped together with "hateful" people :(.

I think it's fine to give your input about a release aslong as you don't write something just to shit/hate on it. And I don't really care which sides does it more than the other, theyre all equally worthless to me.

So pls don't lump everyone together in one group because of a few shitheads, that goes for every genre out there :(.

Fair enough...At the time I was thinking about how almost every fetish on here is bashed except Vanilla. If Vanilla is bashed then it's very rare cases and most of the time it's fair criticism and then they get down voted to oblivion.

Take me for example. I made a comment in a Vanilla hentai where the MC was angry that some girl at a after work party was being harassed while she was drunk. Then I said it was ironic because he was the most messed up one because he was the one who ended up fucking her lol

...let's just say people didn't take it well XD.
Jokke09 wrote...
So pls don't lump everyone together in one group because of a few shitheads, that goes for every genre out there :(.

Bruh, people do that all the time, regardless of what it is. Game of Thrones fans, Smash Bros community, Fortnite players, furries, Fans of XBox--people make statements about whole communities all the time even if they obviously don't apply to everyone in that community. OP was just venting in Incoherent Babbling, don't take it personally.
623 wrote...
Jokke09 wrote...
So pls don't lump everyone together in one group because of a few shitheads, that goes for every genre out there :(.

Bruh, people do that all the time, regardless of what it is. Game of Thrones fans, Smash Bros community, Fortnite players, furries, Fans of XBox--people make statements about whole communities all the time even if they obviously don't apply to everyone in that community. OP was just venting in Incoherent Babbling, don't take it personally.

Oh no, it's fine really! I get upset rather easy (not "angry upset", more the sad version or something). It just makes me feel bad to hear OP's frustration :(. I'm a bit weird and sometimes I don't know how to express something in English very well haha.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I think they just mindlessly click on the next doujin and don't look at the tags.

Then again, I rarely look at the comment section of any doujin these days. Not quite bad as youtube's but still pretty bad and a waste of time.
Jokke09 wrote...
623 wrote...
Jokke09 wrote...
So pls don't lump everyone together in one group because of a few shitheads, that goes for every genre out there :(.

Bruh, people do that all the time, regardless of what it is. Game of Thrones fans, Smash Bros community, Fortnite players, furries, Fans of XBox--people make statements about whole communities all the time even if they obviously don't apply to everyone in that community. OP was just venting in Incoherent Babbling, don't take it personally.

Oh no, it's fine really! I get upset rather easy (not "angry upset", more the sad version or something). It just makes me feel bad to hear OP's frustration :(. I'm a bit weird and sometimes I don't know how to express something in English very well haha.

Yeah, honestly I've already canceled my subscription. I'm not really happy with the content released on here right now. I've actually deactivated my older account for the same reason but I won't do that again because I bought too much shit. It would be better to wait and pay for the sub every other month because the content I like is rarely shown compared to the other content and when it is it's attacked.

I don't know why people can't just respect what other people like. The hardcore Vanilla fans and the constant release of Vanilla has gotten to the point where I'm starting to hate Vanilla content and don't plan on buying anything involving it unless I like the artist and have seen their work on free sites.

It's also funny how FAKKU! has been making me pay additional money to buy ugly bastard content like "VALKYRIA" and "Fucking with Portals" when content like that is rarely released anyway. Why do I even need a subscription?! Fuck it. Make every NTR and ugly bastard pay walled so I don't need the subscription then...at least that way I can own it and read it whenever I want -_-