I guess I’ll do this.

What’s up? I’m guess I’ll post here now that I can. I Found the site back in the day when it was free, then left for awhile because I was broke, I came back recently after buying some physical books at a Convention and was really impressed at the quality of them so I’m deciding to give the site a try again, and am finding a lot of good stuff here. I’m of course interested in Anime, Manga, and Hentai (although I keep the Hentai thing on the down low for the most part obviously)
Other than that I love Music, movies, and video games, sports (mainly football and tennis) and trying new foods. Any other questions just ask. Nice to meet you all.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
hello and welcome

fakku has always had bugs on the site
most of the time it works
but as you get more active you will see the bugs and
how many times things break
Monster Girl
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