New User: roboxnora

This is my introduction to the FAKKU community. No, I'm not someone who was using this site a long time ago and now I am back and shocked at the changes. I am a completely new user. I just found out about FAKKU 3 weeks ago. I actually never read hentai before that time, I just watched JAV if I was going to get my rocks off (this was a few years ago). In other words I am what you would call a newbie to the hentai manga community in general, not just the FAKKU community.

First and foremost let me state that I'm a Marxist. The theory of the class struggle is one of the most indispensable tools that anyone who doesn't own several private jets can dispose of. I remember years ago, when I was simply radical liberal I lived most of my life in a confused daze. Thanks to Marx, Engels, and Lenin I am able to see the world from a scientific, rather than idealistic point of view. which in the final count is to say, check out those authors if you haven't already. They're pretty legit. I think they even made a Karl Marx anime.

Enough about that. Basically I just work 5 days a week and read or listen to music when I get home. I am a budget audiophile. I buy entry level professional grade audio equipment. (inb4 no ethical consumption under capitalism comment). When it comes to sound quality I definitely like trying to scope out the differences between 320kbps and higher res audio tracks. Not to be some snob, the genres of music I listen to vary, it's the process of seeing what difference, if any, exists in a 320kbps audio track and one recorded at a high resolution bit rate. Kinda weird, I get it, but yeah. So those are my hobbies, reading and listening to tunes.

As for what I am doing here I had heard about hentai manga from a friend of mine who said he was jacking off to it when I asked him why he didn't come over for drinks on a certain night. I asked him what was so good about it and he said that there were a lot of stories in hentai manga that were pretty touching. He said he used to sub to a site called FAKKU and so that's when I decided to see what all the fuss was about. So far my preferred tags are vanilla, pettanko, and oppai. A lot of other tags seem to have nonsensical story lines.

That's it for my intro. I guess I will be seeing you guys in the comments. Take care.
Welcome to the site, always good to see new people. If you want some down-to-earth stories, I recommend the artist Ikuhana Niiro. Some of the couples they portray in their works are shockingly realistic and I personally think they have a great art style.
Thanks for the warm welcome 623, and the recommendation. I will be looking into that one.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
hello and welcome
Monster Girl
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