Which of these popular search engines do you use?

Which of these search engines do you use?

Total Votes : 7,021
The Vanilla Conspiracy wrote...
YuriFan69 wrote...
To me Google has to be everybodys best friend
Especially when it comes to finding porn \(^.^)/

Absolutely correct, And my choice is google, i found fakku 2 or 3 years ago looking for utawarerumono hentai.

Google has been my best friend for years
It helped me with everything including findig Fakku
All I did was type in a simple "anime porn"
And Walah!!!!!
Awesome porn that filled my eyes with all new wonders of Hentai
It was beautiful TT-TT
Google! I <3 you!!!!
Enos29 Black Mouse Rising
Only google.
i didn't even know that there are other search engine besides google and yahoo.
I usually use Yahoo for searching but lately these days I have been using Google quite often....
"Which of these popular search engines do you use?"

The question implies I can choose more than one. Yet I can't.
The correct question would be: "Which one of these popular search engines do you use most often?"

But otherwise... yeah, Google :)
Ask.com? That's cute.
Google FTW!! :)
Google rules!!!!!!!!!!!!
google because of the easy searching and fun things they do on certain days...
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
bigbench wrote...
Go Google or go home cause one day they are gonna rule the world, them and FAcebook. Can't wait to see if Facebook ever makes a search engine!

I can see it now. "Want to share what you search on the internet? Use Facebook's new Search Engine App. Will Automatically post what you search on the internet on your Time Line!"
Google cause you can make it do a barrel roll if you type it in the search.
I stopped using Google after they changed their Private Policy. I swear they are just trapping people. I use Bing now.
DuckDuckGo. No filters, no tracking, just all info you need.
I use Google for searching where on earth I left my car key.
The other search engines are getting little to no love XD
mine is the multi search of maxthon: it includes a lof of other search enigines
I've always used Google since it's the most popular out of all engines, the fastest, and the simplest to use.
No doubt it's Google, and if you saw the big front page post, I also use Goodle, Googoo and Gogol XD
Hehehe...Google baby!