The way you present manga to the public is genius. Getting higher in the fakku membership world is fun and really gets you immersed in the site. The ads are minimal and most people are friendly (You can't have everything I suppose). I only have one complaint, if you can really call it that. Let's set up this scenario as an example.
So you have been itching all day for some straight up Incest hentai. So of course you log onto Fakku and go under manga and then pick the sort by...tags option and select the incest category. But upon getting to this category, you don't know which incest hentai is the best out of all the incest posted. So what I am saying is that there could be an option for when you go into a certain category, there should be an option to rank all of those specific hantais with the most favorites or comments showing the one with the most favorites as first. So what I'm trying to get at is, you know how we have a top 10 most favorite manga section? I think there should be a top 10 most favorite manga for each of the specific categories. Just a suggestion, but other than that you guys are the best!
Oh, and can you add more futanari manga from time to time? That would be nice... *Dr. Evil pose*.