E3 Highlights

Elden Rune
Cyberpunk 2077
FF7 Remake
Ghostwire Tokyo

That's about it for me, super hyped for each. What's everyone else looking forward to?
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Breath of the Wild sequel. Maybe also Cyberpunk 2077, but damn is that collector's edition expensive...
Probably Death Stranding, Cyberpunk, DOOM and maybe El Hijo is something nice.
Ryssen wrote...
Death Stranding

Can't fucking wait for this game.

luinthoron wrote...
Breath of the Wild sequel

Really need to get myself a Switch.
I only have a Switch so for me it was Smash stuff, Astral Chain, No More Heroes 3, and BotW sequel. I don't really care about Animal Crossing.
Retrofag no likey. New doom might be worth me playing
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
>tfw seeing this thread made me miss the video game section and reminded me of how much time I spent on making a master list that's useless now because of the site's URL changes

actual announcements and not unneeded hype trailer for something we knew existed for years: No More Heroes 3, BotW sequel, Elden Rune, Ghostwire tokyo and Death Loop.

Sony didn't announce shit so i don't know why death stranding is being mentioned.

Cyberpunk looks good an Keanu looks great but we've known about this game for a while.
Animal crossing looks like a typical Animal crossing game.
Star Wars Fallen order looks like a lame action game with a star wars coat. Everything else EA had to show was SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS sims has pride flags SPORTS SPORTS
Final Fantasy looks good. Can't wait to see Cid, Yuffie and the rest of the crew years from now.
Nintendo showed of more of Fire Emblem and i can't wait for that to come out.

I'm casually optimistic for Baldur's Gate 3. It's mostly nostalgia but who ever is working on it can't be worse than current Bioware.

Outer Worlds still looks good.
Same with Doom Eternal
People clapping at the Fallout 76 segments proved that paid actors and employees attend these conferences too.
Smash DLC looks dope. Astral chain looks cool. Overall Nintendo showed the most things I cared about despite me being pretty annoyed with GameFreak/The Pokemon company over how shit the new Pokemon game looks.
Cyberpunk and Watch Dogs were the only games to give me any interest.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Cruz wrote...
I'm casually optimistic for Baldur's Gate 3.

Part of the reason I didn't mention this one was that it was announced outside of E3. But while it's always nice to see a new D&D game, I have my reservations about using the Baldur's Gate name on a game that's no longer part of the Bhaalspawn saga. Any other problems with the game aside, at least BioWare knew to go with Mass Effect: Andromeda instead of Mass Effect 4 when Shepard's story was over.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Not E3 but Nintendo Treehouse went into detail about Pokémon Sword and Shield. Looking forward to that despite concerns about the limited 'mons in the 'dex.
I still need to get BotW, I heard good things about it. Many of the devs of Xenoblade 2 worked on it.
Astral Chain.
Curious about Cyberpunk, but not because of Keanu Reeves.
I'd like to try out the FF7 remake. I've never played one. Never grew up with it.

Bethesda's one was very underwhelming, but I liked the cinematic for Elder Scrolls Online. The Khajiit hissing at the dragon was oddly adorable. I learned that bat wings heal on their own if ripped because I googled it when the dragon's wing membrane got ripped.

That's all that immediately springs to mind.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
luinthoron wrote...
Cruz wrote...
I'm casually optimistic for Baldur's Gate 3.

Part of the reason I didn't mention this one was that it was announced outside of E3. But while it's always nice to see a new D&D game, I have my reservations about using the Baldur's Gate name on a game that's no longer part of the Bhaalspawn saga. Any other problems with the game aside, at least BioWare knew to go with Mass Effect: Andromeda instead of Mass Effect 4 when Shepard's story was over.

It was at the PC gaming show and that's part of E3.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/LQmORIo.png

We're close to ff7 only 5 days remain!
Monster Girl
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