[Locked] Comic Lo?

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Do you want Comic Lo as added magazine for more loli related content?

Total Votes : 310
I can only hope that at one point in time, we get an influx of loli doujins within a month, it would be amazing. Or even a book to buy that caters to the loli genre, I don't care if it's even digital only!
I pray to the loli goddesses everyday, for more loli doujin releases !
I still cross my fingers everyday that we get more loli content. Currently I think we average 2 loli post on a good month. Maybe one day it might increase to like, 3!
I hope so too because the loli content of the sub is too less. Just hope Comic Lo will be added or more other loli content (games, books, doujins) come to Fakku.
i would subscribe to the sub immediately until the end of time when Comic Lo would be added.
Freerep wrote...
i would subscribe to the sub immediately until the end of time when Comic Lo would be added.

me too (^_^)

and thanks to ロリ for keeping the most important thread on Fakku alive all this time! Your efforts are much appreciated.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Since this topic keeps getting bumped, I've copied my previous statement to the OP so it won't get lost in the replies.
YQII wrote...
Since this topic keeps getting bumped, I've copied my previous statement to the OP so it won't get lost in the replies.

Fakku's official reply is very questionable, considering we have now about 6+ pure loli games officially in english.
Three of them on Fakku,
(Two others are from Mangagamer and unfortunately aren't on Fakku. One on Jast)

So how is it that loli games can be in comparison, be very easily published (not only by Fakku, by other publishers as well) and sold but mangas are a problem?
Games should cause more problems because they are 1. colored 2. have even sounds.

If the problem is physical distribution, then digital only releases of Loli doujins are probably feasible.
Games are mostly digital anyway, so why don't release more digital only Loli content in this way?
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
IPerfem wrote...
YQII wrote...
Since this topic keeps getting bumped, I've copied my previous statement to the OP so it won't get lost in the replies.

Fakku's official reply is very questionable, considering we have now about 6+ pure loli games officially in english.
Three of them on Fakku,
(Two others are from Mangagamer and unfortunately aren't on Fakku. One on Jast)

So how is it that loli games can be in comparison, be very easily published (not only by Fakku, by other publishers as well) and sold but mangas are a problem?
Games should cause more problems because they are 1. colored 2. have even sounds.

If the problem is physical distribution, then digital only releases of Loli doujins are probably feasible.
Games are mostly digital anyway, so why don't release more digital only Loli content in this way?

We have to respect individual publishers and what YQII mentioned as a moral issue. If Japanese publishers of games are open to working with us or other publishers that's one thing. But what YQII is saying is, it is not possible at this time for us to publish based on the feelings of specific publishers in Japan that you're looking for. While it is sad news for fans of loli content, at the end of the day we have to respect the publishers and artists wishes of what they want and don't want distributed. Anything that we can get published we'll of course push for it as you can see here and there in other formats.
adix22 Grape Lolipop
It would be for the best to get official statement from the Comic Lo's publisher on this matter; what's their stance on this, and whether future cooperation would be possible or not.

I don't know how feasible would that be or not, but an official statement from them would give us definite answer without need for further inquiries from the community.
I do understand, but the purpose of the thread for me has moved to a more broad request of wanting more loli content in general, even if it isn't from comic LO at this point, though that would be the ultimate goal if at some point, some year it becomes a possibility.
adix22 wrote...
It would be for the best to get official statement from the Comic Lo's publisher on this matter; what's their stance on this, and whether future cooperation would be possible or not.

I don't know how feasible would that be or not, but an official statement from them would give us definite answer without need for further inquiries from the community.

smug fennec wrote...
Akemi Mokoto wrote...
I'd like to see it but it won't happen. I spoke with Comic LO a few years ago about my own publishing company(debut currently abandoned), and they told me they were not interested in releasing it outside of Japan because of the controversy outside of Japan and the fact that they did not want to draw anymore negative attention to loli.
Yeah, years ago they put online a page asking pirates to not share LO because its content is seen as problematic overseas and it can lead to regulations.

it's old but I doubt their opinion changed. (I wouldn't mind a confirmation from someone fluent in japanese).
crispycreams Your Local Pervert
I doubt we will be seeing any progress in acceptance of lolis anytime soon especially with current woke culture. Even companies like Funimation are permeating the word lolicon as pedophile in their translations despite the word not having any real direct translation in English.
Aside from all that I do wish it were easier to support loli creators, importing can be dicey considering the customs agents, even when its not illegal in your country to own and view loli content its still risky since many of these people still don't understand the difference between drawings/artistic expression and actual child porn.
ロリ wrote...
I do understand, but the purpose of the thread for me has moved to a more broad request of wanting more loli content in general, even if it isn't from comic LO at this point, though that would be the ultimate goal if at some point, some year it becomes a possibility.

It will only become a possibility when the creators of loli genre are happy with their content being published outside of Japan.
I have read this whole thread and I see it has been mentioned many many times that it's not down to Fakku, which everyone would know why if they understood how these publishing things work. But it's down to the content creators if they want their work released outside of japan and localised in different languages. Fakku is in no place to demand titles from anyone, they just get shown what is available to them and then they decide which ones that are available, to bring over.

Hentai game publishers has been around much longer than the book publishers, see JAST USA 1996 Peter Payne, they worked directly with the japanese companies, he has very good relations with the content creators of games and he and his team was able to bring games with questionable content over and it proved quite successful even though I believe there was some censorship in the western releases, Nocturnal Illusion being one of them I'm sure? Since then game releases with loli genre has become the norm. The loli genre game market has has plenty of time to mature and it has proven to be quite successful.

Now mind from what I understand a lot of loli manga/doujin don't have a huge company backing them, so the individual creator might be worried of any criticism, and they rather not have that sort of stress looming over them if they can't have the support and legal team backing of a big company. Just my opinion on the matter. But ultimately, it's not up to Fakku.

If you do want loli manga/doujin in the west, you would have a much better chance of that becoming a reality if you politely petition this to the content creators themselves. You would have to change their mind that it is in their interest to work with publishers like Fakku. But really, don't go poking every content creator you can find, that will probably annoy them.

I have worked in book publishing, so I know first hand how hard things like this may be, but not on the grand sacle of the loli genre I guess.
I've talked with the publisher a few times directly about this and they are not interested in Comic LO being made available anywhere outside of Japan.

If that changes, I'll unlock this thread with an update.
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