Manga that Should and should not become Hentai

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zeinblack wrote...
Yakitake japan should or sholdnt be come hentai?

i cannot comment because i have not seen it
Waar FAKKU Moderator
still think Claymore is probably one of the worst Hentai ideas but it seems it's been done and not as poorly as I thought.
Grave of the Fireflies and Barefoot Gen. That hentai would just be wrong, WRONG I SAY.
Yakitate Japan, unfortunately, has become a doujin. Hah! Tsukino's innocence is spoiled. (cue in evil laughter *Mwahahaha*)
elfen lied wrote...
there are certain animes that i have respect for that just happens to be one of them it's like me sayin heres a porno pic of your sister you know what i mean?

Well, from what I understand. In Japan having hentai made from a certain anime is out of respect for the artist. Having a Dojin is kinda like a symbol of your success.
While I am pretty sure there is already hentai of it, Berserk should never be made into hentai, that manga provides it already, plus there is no love in that world, aside from the love of sin, and maybe Guts' love for Casca, but that is fairly unrequited until Casca regains her memory.
do you think trinity blood should be made as one? on one hand you have HOT women with men you wouldn't mind seeing but on the other hand you have the fact that some of the women are nuns and all the good men are priests. so that is my problem.
Renton37702 wrote...
do you think trinity blood should be made as one? on one hand you have HOT women with men you wouldn't mind seeing but on the other hand you have the fact that some of the women are nuns and all the good men are priests. so that is my problem.

Many fans probably want to see nuns getting screwed. Any anime with and random topic combined can be formed into a scene to be exploited.
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
Renton37702 wrote...
do you think trinity blood should be made as one? on one hand you have HOT women with men you wouldn't mind seeing but on the other hand you have the fact that some of the women are nuns and all the good men are priests. so that is my problem.

Many fans probably want to see nuns getting screwed. Any anime with and random topic combined can be formed into a scene to be exploited.

I personally have a nun fetish, well any type of woman who is religiously/spiritually off limits. I don't really know if it has a corruption of innocence type motivation behind it, I've just always thought it would be pretty hot to fuck a nun, or a miko, whatever.
The ones where hentai shouldn't go in my opinion is

Grave of the fireflies (though never actually saw the movie)
Akira (Maybe between tetsuo and his girl otherwise. No)
Shin Chan

My list is rather small but, I don't mind a lot of things people are disgusted with in hentai (Card Captor, Chobits, Lucky Star, Azumanga) Hell, most of my collection is Azumanga, Lucky Star and I used to have a large collection of Card captor.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I never understood the chobits one, mostly because they made it clear in the very beginning that her power switch was in her crotch. You can't really have at it if you're turning her off 50% of the time.

Cardcaptor Sakura - yea I dig it ;3
I'll admit though I liked the idea of Touya and Sakura. Incest in manga only <3 besides he loves her so much in the series and manga it's just so cute. :roll:

Things that shouldn't be made into hentai/h-manga?
Uh... Yu-gi-Oh, too much yaoi. :( Ever try reading a fanfic of yu-gi-oh?

I made that joke with my friend when we watched Chobits together. xD

He fucks and it's On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. lol
can you stop with the chobits jokes now please i actualy have respect for that anime and don't EVER want to see it portayed in such a way
elfen lied wrote...
can you stop with the chobits jokes now please i actualy have respect for that anime and don't EVER want to see it portayed in such a way

Aww you know were just kidding elfin. Don't worry about it. We'll stop though, well I will. ^_~
i know your all jokin but i think i may have a problem now cos im getting too defensive over animes... damn not again
elfen lied wrote...
i know your all jokin but i think i may have a problem now cos im getting too defensive over animes... damn not again

Meh it's understandable.

If you really love the characters you don't want to see them perverted in certain ways.

I get like that with Kingdom Hearts a lot. I loved that game, A LOT. Because I love Disney so much too it was great for me. But every time I see people posting these obnoxious slash pairings of all the characters I like on deviantART it really gets to me and I can't help but lash out about it.

It just takes away from who the characters are and turns them into something they are not. So I know where you're coming from completely. ):
no when i say damn not again i mean with everything ive been into (magic the gathering, warhammer, dawn of war) ive always defended it too much and ended up thinkin what is the point and lost intrest in it i don't want that to happen to anime
Pasithea wrote...
It just takes away from who the characters are and turns them into something they are not.

Reminds me of the Neji-Hinata Pairings in fandom. Some areas of "perversion" are just not right for certain characters.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Pasithea wrote...
It just takes away from who the characters are and turns them into something they are not.

Reminds me of the Neji-Hinata Pairings in fandom. Some areas of "perversion" are just not right for certain characters.

Yeah. I can't enjoy a hentai if the characters are just way too out of character. :/

But then again if I've never seen the anime it makes no difference to me! xD Yay porn! lol
you sure you aren't a guy the way your talkin leads me to belive that you are (joke)
Not a manga but Baten Kaitos should have some hentai at least for Melodia alone. She was crazy as hell so I would really like to see what kind of stuff she does in bed.
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