Am I a Freeloader?

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I have really been self conscious recently about my standing in the society. Basically, I was born into an extremely wealthy family. My mother being a real estate magnate and my father having a pretty significant position at CJ, one of many conglomerates of South Korea. I am turning 20 in a few days, but I have decided not to attend college despite graduating from a prestigious private school with good grades.

I don't have a clear set plan for my future, but whatever I plan to do, I feel guilty about the fact that I will never have to work hard nor go through any pain to accomplish my goals. I can practically rot inside my room for the rest of my life, and the cash will be flowing in anyways because there are dozens of buildings and lands that are legally under my name.

So I want honest opinions. Am I a waste of space in society? The Urban Dictionary (lol) defines a freeloader as: "Someone who sits around and doesn't work and mooches off their family and steals all their moms hard earned money to do nothing all day and contribute shit to society. Someone who is a waste of air and takes up valuable space on the planet earth." Frankly, I fit the definition quite well. I don't work right now and I am using my parents money.
You may be a freeloader but it is up to you to find some meaning to your existence, as well smoothness or trials.

Also you're lucky to have such parents so be thankful to your family and what it provides to you.

[size=10]You may also read this...[/h]

[size=10]EDIT : If you're so annoyed by this money, give some to people like me : I would be glad to go to university ![/h]
CaffeLatte~ wrote...
So I want honest opinions. Am I a waste of space in society?

I personally can't say you are or you're not. It's seriosuly up to you to know if you're truely a freeloader and a waste of space in society. Everyone here can give their opinions about it but it's not really going to help. I suck when it comes to this to please bare with what I'm about to say.

If you truely think that you're a free loader, then it's time to get up and change things. What's good for YOU is that you have the money to do this. You're smart, so you shouldn't be feeling like this at all. I know it's hard when it comes to not having a set goal. I'm having that problem myself. But the worst thing anyone could ever do is rot insider their room and think that they're a waste to society. That could cause so much trouble in your head that NO money would be able to fix it.

What I'm trying to say is, get up. If you feel that you're a waste, change that feeling. Only YOU can do this. Your money can help you, but it's really up to you.

...Yeah, I'm bad at helping people. But hopfully you get the point. GET UP, DUDE.
If the buildings and stuff are under your name then the money you get from them is not from your parents, even if you only own them because of your parents, ergo you are not a freeloader.

And there's nothing wrong with being a freeloader either. Using what you have to your advantage is nothing to be ashamed of. Plus not going to university doesn't mean anything really. You could easily make music or art or make some other contributions to society without higher education.

If you really feel like you can't do anything, just give some of the money you don't use to charities or individuals to help them out. Fund some animes maybe? You could publish your own hentai magazine and not shut down translation groups who do the stuff you print. It doesn't take much work, and nobody would say you were a waste of space then.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Well if i had your life i wouldn't care what people think about if i'm a freeloader. Fuck if i won the lottery then why would i work and do anything i didn't want to do. Do what you want with your life. Why care about people thoughts. Only your feeling matters. Your twenty be a young adult for a while and figure what you want to do.

Volunteer your time, travel, write, paint, play games. Do what you want and not what you have to like the rest of society. Philanthropy is the core of wealthy families duties.

I come from a wealthy family also. Just my family never shared with our part of the family. I just learn to fend for ourselves.
Silence of the Yanderes wrote...
and nobody would say you were a waste of space then.

You're on to something here.
If peeps can't build self-appreciation, they need others for it and the best way to gain some is to involve yourself with stuff you're even a tiny bit interested yourself, so that the others involved could appreciate your opinions and not just your money. Cuz the way I see it you're going to be taken advantage of more than you want. At least make it feel satisfying, imo.
Being appreciated because of you giving money does not mean you would be empty of feelings.

For example creating some bourse for the ones with brain but no money in poor country. Or even building schools, universities, hospitals, orphanages...

Even so, people born so wealthy may seek for some trials or goals.

Each of us may want to do this or that in their place, but we will never be themselves so the only things which can make sense is what an individual decide of its life, whether it is a complex task or a simple one, as long as he/she feels his/her heart fill with joy.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Stop being so indirectly arrogant about your life position. There is never a life without hardships, regardless of possessing wealth in any way; 'moothing off money' from parents or whatever.

Perhaps you should try to make a name for yourself--without the backing of your family--if you really actually feel guilty. Not that I'm in any damn position to say anything; I just don't like your train of thoughts.
Sounds to me like you don't know what path you want to take right now. Do I personally think you're mooching off you're family? Yeah, but you don't sound like a scumbag moocher.

From what I understand you want to do something with your life but you just haven't figured out what yet. If you don't want to go to college and join the boring corporate world thats fine. If you feel like you're obligated to give something back to society, then do that. How you do it, up to you.
Fligger wrote...
Being appreciated because of you giving money do not mean you're empty of feelings.

For example creating some bourse for the ones with brain but no money in poor country. Or even building schools, universities, hospitals, orphanages...

edits. edits. edits.

Who the fuck wants to do that in their twenties? I was more like thinking about anime/manga associated business, or investing in sites like these for instance (take Jacob and his fakku for example) or idk , something that catches your eye and makes you want to put your time into it. Freeloader is basically a person who doesn't contribute to society. How a person works out his contribution, mature people don't give a fuck. Only poor people are expected to work their asses off, rich are expected to be smart, and being insecure about not knowing how to contribute to society in a way you'd like it the most when having said opportunity isn't smart.

I read up Latte~ likes making coffee as a hobby. Why not start from there.
Which would be not "smart" is wanting to think in CaffeLatte~'s name/place.

Feeling insecure about the possibility of being a freeloader means on the contrary some awareness.

But I agree that voicing this on Fakku was not the wisest choice or thing to do :-/
Fligger wrote...
Which would be not "smart" is wanting to think in CaffeLatte~'s name/place.

True, but it's interesting. More interesting than, say, if they were poor.

Fligger wrote...
Feeling insecure about means in contrary some awareness.

I don't follow you. Awareness to being looked down upon by jelly people like Cinia Pacifica? Then they don't need to feel insecure about it anymore, that nigga is really petty (I have first hand experience so I know).

Fligger wrote...
But I agree that voicing it on Fakku was not the wisest thing to do :-/

You shouldn't take this so serious ^_^
Don't mind me, then.

EDIT : I mean don't bother, I let down.
Fligger wrote...
Don't mind me, then.

Me too.
You're still young, so you shouldn't worry about freeloading at your age. Are you actually managing the said properties? You are in a very lucky position. Not everyone has the chance to stay at home and dedicate their time towards prepping their future. Why don't you learn things related to your family's trade? Computer programming/networking/etc. is always a plus to know. Learn another language.

tl;dr: Yes, you are a freeloader, just like the many people also in that age range. Take advantage of not going to college and not having to work by building up your skills.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Maybe you are a free loader or maybe not, but if I were you then I would use that land and money under my name in order to help my community. Maybe something like building a youth centre or an orphanage? At least then you could feel like you're helping the people in your community instead of sitting around and doing nothing.

That being said I am in a similar position except I plan on going to University but college/university isn't a necessity to be useful in society.
Lmao dude, there aint nothing wrong with enjoying life when you have been blessed with money.

I for example would love to not have to work, because then i could just enjoy my hobbies and not worry about my next meal.

If you have a lot of money and nothing to do, here is what i would recommend to save yourself from boredom, and as you put it "rotting in your room":

-Travel the world: chill in cool places like Buddhist temples, smoke weed and meditate with the gurus in India, visit all the neat little shops in Thailand, help with populating said Thailand etc.

-Invest in real estate in cool places

-learn to play some cool musical instrument like a GuZheng

-Build a real life copy of the Dragon Ball World Martial Arts Arena in Thailand, and conduct badass freestyle martial arts tournaments there while working as the announcer, and make money by selling tickets to anime fans such as myself (i would so go to to a tournament like that)

-Learn ancient medicine: bitches love doctors

-Make a new sport by mixing freestyle Parkour and pissing off roofs on the
crowds below

-Approach people in dark alleys with a pink toy knife and threaten to humor them if they dont take your wallet

-Start smoking cigarettes. Then quit smoking cigarettes (the quitting process will surely keep you from being bored)

-Direct your dream porno

Just some of the stuff i would do if i had the money. If you are lonely, share the love: there are plenty of people who would be more than happy to accompany you on your various escapades and be your comrade :3
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]'re not that bad of a person. Honestly, I just think you haven't found something that you enjoy yet. Its only till then that you should really go to school, to truly pursue your passion. From what I've learned from you, you enjoy coffee, which is something awesome to start in. But don't consider yourself a freeloader.
Seeing the resources you have at your disposal, you should really try to get out into the world and explore. Look into labs, play instruments, volunteer, learn the trade of your parents, DRAW ANIME! I'm pretty sure you can find something. But the most important thing is that you recognize that you can be a freeloader, which means you are open to change. I'd really love to talk to you more about this.

From my standpoint and as a friend, I think you are capable of really doing great, you just need to find the spark
I think of a freeloader as someone who is unappreciative of the things he has, and complains that he doesn't have more while not working on it.

You didn't decide which family you were born in, so it's not your problem that you were born wealthy. What you do with that money can maybe help with self-respect but really it's all up to you.

I personally think everyone should have some kind of duty (be it a job or philanthropic work or maybe even just donating money)because it builds character but there's nothing morally wrong about not really having to work.
Wish i am like you. love to be free atleast 3 days :D
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