Are Humans Inherently Good, or Evil?

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Good, or Evil

Total Votes : 47
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
So, one of the most basic human questions is if humans are good by nature, or bad by nature. This has been around for as long as the concepts of good and evil have been around, and i want to ask you. People on Fakku come from all walks of life, and i want to know what you think.
Good and evil are social constructions thus subjective. A better discussion would be "are human inherently altruistic or egoistic?".
Gravity cat the adequately amused

We're taught to love or hate.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Humans are scum.
This question is mighty subjective - simply because 'good and evil' are both subjective.
Humans have a drive to either create and destory, to pillage and donate. It's very hard and overall inaccurate to lob every single human into a category and decide which category holds more - the good or evil side of Humans.

Empty quote fuel: It just depends on the person.
I am evil, so let's roll with that
Good, Evil, who's to say?
Or even who's to say what either of those words mean! I DO think, however that humans are incredibly selfish. Its instinct. but as a society- all humans must form themselves to be "better" than before, so that means we will always be bad, maybe not evil, but bad.
I'm no human though, I'm a horny bastard monkey beast of the wilderness on a hentai website.
But were born pure..,it's the things adults leave behind that mesh us into who we are...
Society makes humans "good". If it wasn't there, "evil" would thrive and ethics would be thrown out the window. Not entirely, but mostly.
Count Alucard wrote...
Good and evil are social constructions thus subjective. A better discussion would be "are human inherently altruistic or egoistic?".

I've discussed this in philosophy lectures in collage and I came to a conclusion (confirmed my theory)that humans are in fact fully egoistic. That doesn't mean altruism vanishes in to thin air. I'd say it's just a different form of egoism. Bare with me if you care for an explanation.
Any intentional action, may it be even truly unselfish, brings us satisfaction (at a moral level if nothing less). Thus making it beneficial to the doer. This (the theory) is true if we consider egoism being an action that brings us satisfaction and altruism being something that is giving without the thought of receiving. Again this is just a theory of mine. Nothing to start a millennium war for.

I must apologize for my lack of knowledge of comma placement and that something may be hard to comprehend because it may be lost in translation.
naiks wrote...
Count Alucard wrote...
Good and evil are social constructions thus subjective. A better discussion would be "are human inherently altruistic or egoistic?".

I've discussed this in philosophy lectures in collage and I came to a conclusion (confirmed my theory)that humans are in fact fully egoistic. That doesn't mean altruism vanishes in to thin air. I'd say it's just a different form of egoism. Bare with me if you care for an explanation.
Any intentional action, may it be even truly unselfish, brings us satisfaction (at a moral level if nothing less). Thus making it beneficial to the doer. This (the theory) is true if we consider egoism being an action that brings us satisfaction and altruism being something that is giving without the thought of receiving. Again this is just a theory of mine. Nothing to start a millennium war for.

I must apologize for my lack of knowledge of comma placement and that something may be hard to comprehend because it may be lost in translation.

I wouldn't say that we are fully egoistic as even animals aren't and they don't have a moral code at all.
Humans aren't inherently anything but instinctual.
for me human is originated and have inherited sins
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
Though studies have shown that we naturally cooperate, I think that we are more naturally hardwired to promote ourselves so we can assume dominance and reproduce. So we aren't evil, but self serving
Count Alucard wrote...
I wouldn't say that we are fully egoistic as even animals aren't and they don't have a moral code at all.

I think SneeakyAsian explained it best.
It's our purpose in life - to make ourselves happy (besides from reproduction). The means of witch one achieves happiness is something that may differ (be it something that is mentally rewarding as saving someones life by risking your own or implying pain to others or it being purely physical). All I'm trying to say is that we can not intentionally do something that would not give us some sort of satisfaction. Hence: we're all a bunch of egoists but some are just kinder egoists.

Animal mentality is something I'd have a problem conversing about mainly because of it requiring many arguments and explanations....and I'm just too lazy to wright that much.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
good - that which is morally right; righteousness.
"a mysterious balance of good and evil"
synonyms: virtue, righteousness, goodness, morality, integrity, rectitude; More
antonyms: wickedness

Evil - profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, esp. when regarded as a supernatural force.
"the world is stalked by relentless evil"
synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrongdoing, sin, ill, immorality, vice, iniquity, degeneracy, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness, malevolence; More
a manifestation of this, esp. in people's actions.
plural noun: evils
"the evil that took place last Thursday"
synonyms: abomination, atrocity, obscenity, outrage, enormity, crime, monstrosity, barbarity More
something that is harmful or undesirable.
"sexism, racism, and all other unpleasant social evils"
synonyms: harm, pain, misery, sorrow, suffering, trouble, disaster, misfortune, catastrophe, affliction, woe, hardship More

Inherent - existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
"any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers"
synonyms: intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in, indwelling, inborn, ingrained, deep-rooted; More
antonyms: acquired

I believe that people have both good and evil within them, no one is exempt from one or the other. The subject of the matter is whether or not the two are inherent within human beings. When a human is first born into the world they are considered "free" or given the "blank slate", but I concur with this. Children are born right into various circumstances that could shape their view of the world and themselves from day 1 out of utero.

Birth defects, socioeconomic status (are the child's parents poor, rich, are they living in foster care), cognitive limitations due to mental retardation or other such disabilities, society laws, rules, perceptions, culture, education as the child grows up... There is so much at play that can shape an infant/child's life that they may have a "blank slate" but the underlying blueprint is there even when we can't see it. There was even once a time that children born were considered cursed for things such as birth marks that were obscure or born as twins. A more common curse is if the child is cursed at for being born out of wedlock or to another father through adultery.

The biggest idea to consider is what are they taught or experience with learning about good and evil and what do they personally choose. When we are young we see and/or experience the two first hand. Between the light of good and the darkness of evil, change is the grey. Even though we are shaped through our experience, it is what we choose to do with them that makes us who we are; defines us as a human.

To sum all of this up: I do not believe we are inherently good or evil. There's too much we don't know or at least give credit to that can shape how we view ourselves, other, and life as a whole. We hope to be given a blank slate when we are born, but sometimes this can't be helped for society and other's play a factor in what kind of slate we get. The most important thing to look as is the one ability that is very precious above all else; the ability to change
solutions10 Universal Solution
Count Alucard wrote...
Good and evil are social constructions thus subjective. A better discussion would be "are human inherently altruistic or egoistic?".

Wow, I would've worded it the exact same way. I've never encountered such a correct response right out of the gate like that.

But seriously, good and evil are totally relative, and far from universal concepts that everyone shares. Humans are human, each with their own moral code, and really that's as far as the discussion can go without going into vague generalizations of what that even means. Pretty much everyone lies in the gray area from that perspective, neither one way nor the other.

Though I'm of the philosophy that altruism doesn't exist, and all actions are necessarily egocentric. That doesn't mean people are evil, it just means the idea of helping others exists as far as it needs to so it can help the individual at the core of it all. I just think that's how minds work.
Neither, Good and Evil are what you make it to be.
we would be the way we are now if we are evil. everyone is born good and their life changes the to one or the other.
people are only evil for power,wealth, and glory.
It is up to you what path to take. All though there will be influences such as social media and family, ultimately you make the decisions.
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