Area 11

Antw0n Remember me?
These guys are fakking oresome fucking awesome.

You can listen to their Blackline album here

You can listen to their new single Knightmare/Frame here

Heaven-Piercing Giga Drill, inspired by Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

I get goosebumps on the "Believe in me who believes in you" lyric.

Euphemia, inspired by Code Geass

My favorite song of theirs. I never get tired of it.

Even if you don't like these anime (for some otherworldly reason) they're still great songs by themselves.

Special thanks to godot for turning me on to this epic band.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y

Thanks for the share, guys.
Damoz ~Not A User~
This is full of win~

Thus you win my +rep :D
you sir have shown me something full of WIN! remind me to plus rep you when I get it back tomorrow. also did you see if Area 11 was on Itunes? they possibly could be.
It took me a whole song to realize their name is a Geass reference.
Loner the People's Senpai
Here's another song. They sampled most of the music from another song but the lyrics are different.

They have another song on Itunes called "The Legendary Sannin" that's full of win.
Why is this song its not the official opening theme??? O 3 O