Do you celebrate Christmas?

Do you celebrate Christmas?

Total Votes : 6,122
Commercialized as fuck, to be honest. But growing up around a very close knit family that really enjoys the day rubs off on you, when you want it to. I even find myself awaiting the day.

Then from every day onward, I'll be back to normal.
Christmas is fun, plus presents and stuff so why not.
I mostly enjoy Christmas for the 2 month holiday...
So yeah
@Darkdeamonpk. I know how it feels my friend im in the same situation but i think that both the persons we lost would want us to be happy and a part of us will still celebrate their birthdays . We might never see them again but out of sight doesnt mean out of the heart ! So go and have a merry Christmas for both you and your lost one :) Merry Christmas to all !
My culture and religion does not celebrate any of these events, Thus I do not.
nah, i don't celebrate that.
Celebrating it with company is the key! Love celebrating with my daughters!
Plus it's my birthday a few years before hand :D
I celebrate the winter solstice.
I don't believe in Santa and I don't celebrate Christmas. Yes. I am terrible person :( Still, it's good to see families getting together, people opening gifts, religious people doing their religious things, and the like. I, on the other hand, just stay home, play video games, read books, or do whatever I feel like doing.
I'm forced to celebrate now, thanks for the Santa's hat
Tits the season.
Dont really celebrate Christmas, probably due to all the work that keeps piling up on me. But i do enjoy the happy faces people make around this time of the year even if it isnt snowing in this part of the world.

~Have a jolly good holiday to y`all~
Christmas usually goes like this : "Oh, Christmas is tomorrow? ......oops..." lol
Haha, nice gif Jacob. Yes x-mas is a wondeful time, try to enjoy with your love ones while they are still here. :)
Of course who doesn't celebrate Christmas, It's the most wonderful time of the year really
it is great but meh