Do you hate bugs.

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I dun mind them as long as they dun rummage in my room >.<~! Wiii dun want them in my bed or anything, gah.
I hate bugs, anything creepy and crawly just isn't for me.

My pet hates are moths and butterflies. I have no idea why I'm so scared of them but I can't stand them anywhere near me.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
who doesn't hate bugs? they are gross
here's a disturbing thought
if a nuclear holocaust will take place ,
bugs and especially cockroaches will outsurvive us all
they can survive without food or water for about 6 weeks
they can still live for 2-3 months even if their heads are cut off

oh! IDK if this is more disturbing but in some places those insects are considered as delicacies, and in China they mash it and make it a topical cream to treat wounds...

I also tend to overkill bugs. I remember myself screaming DIE! DIE! while furiously hitting it many times with any object I can pick up, most of the time my footwear, even if the bug is almost beyond recognition.
and why is it that they tend to go towards your direction? that really pisses me off..
I hate bugs mostly when they're in my room.
If I know something is in there, I can't settle unless I know it's gone.
The ones I'm scared of are the ones that can harm you like bees/wasps. If I see one I just have to keep as far away from it as I can.
I don't mind bugs, but I hate cockroaches; growing up in an apartment infested with them. All of my hate.
Bugs are freaking scary unless I'm in the company of others because then we can team up and put those bugs in their place.

Unless it's Volcarona. That's an awesome bug.
One thing I love about this country and it's climate: you really don't see bugs bigger than an average nail. Asides from butterflies and a few random mutants, I think a bumblebee is the biggest bug I've seen in Finland. I don't go out much though, so they might be in there somewhere.

I hate bugs, mainly the ones that move unpredictably, mainly flying ones. And jumping. God, grasshoppers are creatures from hell.

I don't really mind spiders if they are not on me. Spiders somehow act more 'rationally' than most of the bugs. I have a few spiders in my room, and we coexist peacefully. Until they run out of food and venture around looking for it. Then they're dead.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I can't stand the fuckers. The only reason I hate summer.
The only thing I hate more than insects, is spiders. Can't stand those fuckers
I like bugs. Fucking love spiders. I do hate scorpions, cockroaches, and flies. I always keep my air freshener and lighter nearby on the off chance that I do see one.
I hate those bugs that afflict my pc software. In real life, I hate slippery bugs that suddently crawl over your skin sometimes (green stinky bugs sometimes when it's winter, you never expect them)
I hate finding bugs in my bathtube, but generally i'm okay with bugs except for flying ones. Also, if i see anything yellow and flying i start freaking out, and spiders are my kryptonite
Spiders.. I can't stand them.
Other than spiders I would hhave to say I hate any kind of wasp. I swear that anytime I go outside during the summer those little bastards have it out for me. I'm just thankful I have no allergic reactions to them.
Fuck bugs.
Fuck bugs.
Fuck bugs.
Kouki wrote...
IamSinger wrote...
Insects are creepy little fuckers
I am terrified of spiders.
Anything poisonous deserves my hatred and fear of them.
I grew up playing with 'normal' bugs so I guess not. I'm just used to them.
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