Do you know anybody from fakku in real life?

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I've never met anyone from Fakku irl. I do hope to do sometime. Like flying to America and attend a convention, but that costs money.
Catcher, Mr. Bushido, Katsucha.

Norcal folks, stop being shy. :O
Not really, no.
I do know some people in here
No. I want to meet the people that I feel are my possessions.
-trollface- The ones I feel closest to. xD

I would have very much liked to have been able to attend AnimeExpo this year and have the chance to meet some Fakkers, but alas- I will be fairly busy.
Honestly i dont trust you guys, something tells me that more of you are rapists than cute anime girls
Sadly, I don't have/know any.

But it would be great if someone I used to talk to here is actually my friend IRL.
if i showed one of my friends fakku they would think im a fucking lunatic
never meet anyone here. I'm in Asia and I can only meet my friends in school that were regulars in fakku
In 3 months i hope to meet Jacob and friends.I wonder if Mike will go? They are the only 2 guys i know by face. I hope i get to meet other fakku users in October.
I know a few people here. Sadly, they just made an account then lurked.
I have a couple friends who surf FAKKU, but they don't have accounts :P
Yes, my little brother, my cousin, and my nephew.
I know one person who frequents Fakku, but he doesn't have an account that I know off.
I know a few, actually, but I prefer to not give out their anonymity.
I think I met someone at a con recently, but I didn't get a chance to find out their user name.
I would like to meet people, it be nice to make some new friends
I don't know anyone from Fakku in real life. Although, I was on an old forum and I recognized someone from Fakku on it. It was pretty funny, we semi-bonded over the fact that we were both Fakku members. I haven't spoken to him in a while though.
I know nobody from fakku in real life. I don't think meeting anybody at a con counts either, since you'll see them for maybe a few hours at the most.
I don't know anybody from Fakku, but I wouldn't mind meeting someone. If I had any money or a friend with transportation, I would have gone to the Con in Dallas earlier this year, but I didn't have either.
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