Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?

Total Votes : 4,941
I downloaded the game, but I pretty much sucked at it. I could already tell I was going to have to spend a lot of hours on the game in order to get good at it. In the end I just lost interest.
Uh, what is League of Legends? :U
[color=#9D0A0A]No but I've heard so much about it. Not really my type of game.[/color]
I play Dota 2 from time to time but as for moba games i enjoy LoL the most, and fortunately there is a lot of LoL porn :P
[color=#9400D3]Yes. [/color]
Yes! :)

Now at Gold 1 but i dont interested to fight for plat, since no more reward than gold. :/
who want to play league of legends when you can drive a tank!

world of tanks for ever
Bobby busying dying
DotA2 is superior.

LoL is only good for ARAM
[color=#9D0A0A]Third year in a row, managed to reach Plat and that's all for now. Love the game and it's secrets (hidden passives and interactions)[/color]
I've been playing a lot, but I also lag out constantly so I don't play it as much as I would.
No. I have no reason to. I was invited by my friends to play once, they kept howling in front of the monitor. It was bad... I felt like I was with apes that day..
no, thought about playing it but lost interest.
yup I love this game, the better I get the more I see just how far I have to go. If you are looking for a game that will take up a lot of time, then this is perfect.
I play league a fucking lot but still stuck in bronze. I either suck ass or they're always better than me.
Got into it recently, and I'm already addicted. I only play for fun though. Don't want to deal with all the stress that comes with ranked.
Yup great game, LOVE Leona, Blitz and Sejuani. Trying to get Plat before season end but I think we all know how the solo queue is. We should make a Fakku ranked team!!! My LoL name is Nightstalker69e if anyone wants to make a team or just play. I'm Gold II at the moment.
Play it. Love it. Level 18, mainly using Darius, Garen, Hercraim, Xerath, Vi, Jinx, Graves. All over the place, but yes. Heavily play it.
Planning to try it once I get a better pc!
no but i hear good things about it also this artist i visit does great pictures of Jinx
not my kind of game