Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?

Total Votes : 4,941
I love League of Legends...just that..I can't escape Silver IV....terrible luck, I've been demoted three times back to Silver V...getting to the promos to Silver III, is like that itch on your back you can't fucking reach >:
I play.. I usually go on ADC and Support roles... Currently at Gold 5 .... Well I'm flexible in role.. but I do like ADC and Support :D..... My Favorite champ is Ashe.. though I don't use her too much in rank games... :D
Yes. Currently down at Silver III; mainly because I've been inactive. Highest rank I've reached was Gold V and that was with my 3v3 team. As for solo rank, Silver I.

I main Fiddlesticks, Wukong, and Ashe.
HappyWalrus wrote...
Let me tell you this, LoL is easy to get into but hard to master, dota is hard to get into but easy to master. LoL takes much more tactics to play and all dota takes is mechanics. I played both and enjoyed LoL much more.
I am not sure I agree with your analysis. I play both games, and I'd say Dota 2 is more tactical and LoL strictly speaking. By tactical, I mean coordination and decision making are bigger parts of Dota 2. In Dota 2, it's overall more important to have a team that understands wtf is the goal to win.

League of Legends is more of a "fighting game" in comparison, which highlights the player vs player experience in MOBAs. The metagame is overall designed to be more stable so that laning usually lasts a while.

I personally enjoy League more by far, because it's a less broken game and the game designers have a clear vision as to what they believe makes an enjoyable player experience. In Dota 2, the developers honestly don't really seem to care as much outside of competitive balance. Cheese strategies are allowed, in fact encouraged in Dota more or less. And while cheese exists in LoL, it's by far much more manageable. There's few hard counters in LoL, whereas in Dota 2 you have to play around knowing what hard counters exist.
hit diamond on my main and currently trying to get my smurf to diamond also before the end of the season, but plat is just too annoying to deal with atm...
Nope, but I might try to get into it sometime :P
I played a couple games of made me lol. Worst moba award. :hides:
Yes, i played lol.
I don't like the douches who are screaming murder about how much the other players suck while they themselves are feeding the other side. Teamwork is like non existing in most games that i played. They just say my team sucks... Maybe if they would actually try to cooperate, they would have a chance of winning.

The point is the community of lol is full of raging faggots who ruin the game for other people.
I want to, so i can join my friend, but... My laptop's motherboard is fried, so i need a new comp. Fml
I see the majority of the poll is No. I kinda understand that. It's hard to play LoL with 1 hand after all
The first time I got to know about league of legends was due to the LOL doujins uploaded here. LOL is not well known here in India.
I used to but thanks to my friends always feeding when i try to help i swore that i would stop..
Nope the game sucks. I play dota.
I've been playing LoL for a pretty long time. Ranking is still a bit low though; basically been sitting on Gold V since midway into the season without advancing. Hoping for exciting changes in S4.
I would if my computer didn't suck so bad...
Tried once, after playing for 30 min. got bored and swore to never play that $%&@ ever again!
Also dota sucks too...
What i play iz The Elder Scrolls ONLINE! Gahahahaha I'm a freaking beta tester!
Power-Senpai This is very custom.
The game seems sorta boring to me.
Nope. Just not into moba's. Weird though cause I've enjoyed plenty of rts games in my life.
I swore to never play again. I played for 2 and a half months quit. The community is so horrible. They'll get angry at people for being new.
I never played the game, but I do like the stories of the champions in it.

NerowV wrote...
I swore to never play again. I played for 2 and a half months quit. The community is so horrible. They'll get angry at people for being new.

Ugh. I've seen that logic from a few players in other games, and it bugs me to no end.