Do you read/watch hentai for the art or for the plot?

Do you read/watch hentai for the art or for the plot?

Total Votes : 5,089
I'd go for the art, definitly. While some doujins have a quite decent plotline, I most enjoy the fine drawings and beautiful creatures and "paysages" that are presented to us.
I gotta go with plot but art is important to I can't finish reading if it looks like it was a kid
I chose art.

While I definitely prefer hentai manga and doujinshi that have an actual story to them, if the art is not to my liking then I probably won't read it - though it does happen where the art may not be amazing but it has a great story and I am able to enjoy it and fap. It's usually the same for hentai anime as well.
Most of the time I'm too busy fapping to read the plot
Plot. Art is a plus, of course.
Art is what brings me to read/watch a Hentai in the first place, some people can tolerate bad art if it has a good plot. I can tolerate a bad plot if it has good art.
Both I say. But if the art looks pretty bad, like pretty bad, Im not gonna read it. If the art is well done, great. If the story is good, even better.
Personally, I look for both.
I fap to the art and not the plot, and if i was focusing on the hentai plot-wise, why wouldn't i just read normal manga?
I usually choose the art if I want to Fap but if I'm bored I choose Both...
If both are great, It doesn't matter. But I look at Art first.
As much as i love a good plot, it's the art that always makes the hentai appealing to people.
I'd say both elements are needed for an amazing hentai doujinshi, but the plot is where it's at, if you didn't notice there aren't any artwork that looks like a child did it, they wouldn't have the guts to give people trash like that, and if the hentai doujinshi doesn't have a plot, it might still be good with the artwork but adding a good plot will turn it into an all time favorite.
Mostly for the story, I like specific types of genre but the art can be anything from sketched to full color.
I love all the details in the art, but the difference between sex with your bf and sex with a teacher brings me in. I love a scandalous relationship more than one between regular lovers.
Plot. Definitely plot. I do not believe I can convey the importance of plot to me. If an anime is visually stunning, then that's great, but if it lacks plot then I won't enjoy it fully. However both are needed, yet great works can exist by having a major focus on one or the other. Like Black Rock Shooter. I love that anime because it is visually impressive, yet I found the plot to be fairly lacking. But I still loved it. So a good combination of the two is good, but personally I enjoy something more if there is an expansive plot that one can really delve into.
the two go together like bread and butter; neither tastes as good alone as they would together.
I need to enjoy the art, i have stopped reading more hentai because of the art than the plot, but i kinda look at the tags and know what i like, so there is that.
Plot. If the plot is good it doesn't matter if their stick figures for me.
Monster Girl
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